Kendo UI Filter with field bound to DropDowList : ExpressionPreview doesn't display text value.

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DropDownList Filter
Patrice Cote
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Rank 1
Patrice Cote asked on 06 May 2024, 08:42 PM | edited on 08 May 2024, 02:31 PM

Hi! I have a Kendo UI Filter with a column bound with a DropDownList. Everything works fine, except the ExpressionPreview gives me "[object Object]". I read that I could use the PreviewFormat, but I have no clue about how that works if it's not for numeric values. Your documentation is very thin about the subject. Can you tell me how could I see the property set as DataTextField in the preview? Or at least the DataValueField.

My razor looks like :

.MainLogic(FilterCompositionLogicalOperator.Or).Fields(f =>

      f.Add(x => x.Symbole).Label("My values list").Operators(c => c.String(x => 


And the script containing the dropdown logic is like this :

                dataTextField: "SymboleDisplayName",
                dataValueField: "Symbole",
                dataSource: {
                    type: "json",
                    transport: {
                        read: ""
		    schema: {
			data: "value"


Note that my datasource is an OData query, so I defined a schema with data: "value" in my object as well as type: "json". The type is aslo specified in the preperties datatype: "json"

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DropDownList Filter
Asked by
Patrice Cote
Top achievements
Rank 1
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