Re-written RadEditor Provider/Module for DNN

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  1. 64837336-B7E2-4531-AF0A-813AEA102923
    64837336-B7E2-4531-AF0A-813AEA102923 avatar
    18 posts
    Member since:
    Jan 2005

    Posted 02 Jul 2008 Link to this post


    RadControls version

    2008.1 619 (ASP.NET AJAX)
    .NET version

    Visual Studio version

    programming language

    browser support

    all browsers supported by RadControls

    This is a completely re-written RadEditor provider/module for DotNetNuke(DNN).  The original provider code (in VB.NET) was something to be desired.  So, using JetBrain's R# and SharpDevelop, we converted the code to C#, then completely re-wrote/refactored the entire project.  The new provider is much cleaner code and dealt with some coding errors that would have caused issues for users of the provider.  Other issues we found may not have allowed the provider to even work as the code should not have compiled.

    The module included with the original package has also been updated.  Instead of just allowing you to enable/disable the RadEditor as the HTML provider (switching back to the FckEditor when disabled), it gives you the option of switching to any provider that is installed.  It cannot be assumed that the FckEditor was the one in use prior to installing and enabling the RadEditor, so this option is much better.

    Lastly, the provider incorporates into the Custom Links dropdown, article listings from the Engage:Publish module, if the module is installed and articles exist.

    To use this module/provider, the Telerik.Web.UI.dll file must already be in the bin folder of DNN.  This package does not include it as there are problems in DNN 4.x that skip any version checks on dlls that get copied to the bin folder.  So, either copy it yourself or modify the package and .dnn file to include the necessary dlls.

    Usage of this project requires that you first open the solution in Visual Studio 2008 and build it.  The module/provider is part of a Web Application Project.  There is a second project included called Packager which uses MSBuild to create the ZIP file that is used to install the provider/module in DNN.  When you build the solution in VS, it will create a subfolder called "packages" where the installer for the provider/module will be put.  From there, follow the installation instructions below.

    Install the provider/module via DNN's module installer.
    1. Log in as host.
    2. Go to Host -> Module Definitions.
    3. Select Install New Module from menu.
    4. Select ZIP file from your machine.
    5. Click Install Module.
    6. Go to a page that will be for administrators only. If you don't have one, create one.
    7. Add the TelerikWebUI module to the page.
    8. Use the module's interface to select which HTML editor you want to enable (note that selecting one and saving will modify Web.config and restart DNN).
    9. Test by editing text in a Text/HTML module.  If you've enabled RadEditor as your HTML provider, you should see the shiny, new editor with the familiar Telerik UI.

    Other notes:
    To modify the module's skin or the toolbar, you will need to modify the XML files included in the file for the module.  We have not modified how these files are used within the provider, so please refer to any Telerik documentation if you need help.
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