Re-load RadComboBox from RadWindow control

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    AB74794F-09D3-4471-8F45-905AC91FDDD0 avatar
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    Posted 16 Dec 2008 Link to this post


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    Have you built Admin pages that contains RadComboBoxes with lookup data such as "Phone Types", with items like, "Home", "Work", "Fax"?  But you really want to choose "Cell Phone", and you don't want to leave this page to go to the settings to add the "Cell Phone" item to the "Phone Types" collection.

    This example shows you how to place a link next to the RadComboBox that can open a RadWindow.  Inside the RadWindow is a RadGrid control that allows you to manage the items in the "Phone Types" (or any other data), then close the window and the RadComboBox on your parent page is updated!

    You haven't left the page and you've updated the items and you can continue your work.  This is a helpful time saver when it comes to daily work on your application.

    Note: I used Linq To Sql in this example so you would need the 3.5 .Net Framework to run this example.  But you can use any data access method you want to do the same thing.

    With the help of some Forum postings I was able to get this to work and I hope it helps you.

    King Wilder
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