How to Find Location by Address using Bing Locations Service

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  1. 63F75A2C-1F16-4AED-AFE8-B1BBD57646AD
    63F75A2C-1F16-4AED-AFE8-B1BBD57646AD avatar
    1572 posts
    Member since:
    Oct 2004

    Posted 30 Sep 2014 Link to this post


    Telerik Product and Version

    UI for ASP.NET AJAX (version 2014.2 618 and above)

    Supported Browsers and Platforms

    all browsers supported by UI for ASP.NET AJAX 

    Components/Widgets used (JS frameworks, etc.)

    Project Description

    In this Code Library you will find out how easy it is to integrate Bing Locations Service with RadMap and allow the user to find location by address or by name.
    RadMap - integration with Bing Locations Service

    Although this particular example demonstrates integration with Bing Locations Service, there are many other services that you could use for retrieving coordinates by address or by name. The main idea of this Code Library is to illustrate how to use a service returning coordinates for a location (found by some criteria) and how to display the result in RadMap dynamically.

    To make the integration more user-friendly, a RadListBox control is used for displaying a list with all returned locations from the service, since one search criteria may return multiple results (if it is not descriptive enough).

    Bing Locations Service

    You can use Bing Locations Service to retrieve latitude and longitude coordinates for a location by specifying values such as a locality, postal code, street address or location name. Detailed information on the service is available in the below articles:
    Important Note

    In the attached page you will see that in two places there is a text “Use a valid Bing Map Key provided by Microsoft”. For getting RadMap to display the Tile layer correctly and in order to retrieve any data from the Bing Location Service you will have to replace that text with a valid Bing Map Key.

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