Dynamic XML DataBiding for RadMenu

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  1. 1DE7C86E-CF52-4BA0-9E6E-5A618F47A042
    1DE7C86E-CF52-4BA0-9E6E-5A618F47A042 avatar
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    Posted 08 Jun 2010 Link to this post


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    The RadMenu is placed in a master page and the menu is being created dynamically from xml that is the return parameter from a stored procedure call. Based on a record set from the DB every time a page is loaded the menu needs to be rebound with the data.  This allows users to have custom menus and menu items using the XMLdatasoucre and RadMenu. Because the XMLDataSource control in .Net has the enabled caching property set to true by default the menu will not refresh and display the new xml retrieved on the pageload.  To fix this set the (EnableCaching="False) property to false on the aspx page. This example does not use a db instead it uses xmlfiles in the app_data folder; however it makes  no difference if the results are returned from a sql db or any other data store the functionality remains the same.

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