Custom PopUp Editor

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  1. 63F75A2C-1F16-4AED-AFE8-B1BBD57646AD
    63F75A2C-1F16-4AED-AFE8-B1BBD57646AD avatar
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    Posted 13 Jul 2012 Link to this post


    Kendo UI Suite and Version


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    Kendo Grid for MVC

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    This project shows how to use a custom editor template in the grid popup editing form. It is inspired by the excellent blog post of Brad Wilson which explains how custom display and editor templates work. 
  2. 5C5ED5DC-B18E-4D42-9EF9-9D5D44A84167
    5C5ED5DC-B18E-4D42-9EF9-9D5D44A84167 avatar
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    Posted 27 Sep 2012 Link to this post


    I have tried you're project, and have noticed a grave error, in respect of the popup edit box, of the grid. If you open the popup, and change a field, Update the Name for example, you can do that, and it gets updated, but if you click it again, and then cancel it, then the value of the changed fields will get  reset to the previous values, but and not to the ones of the database, to which they have been synced already.

    And one more question. When the edit: supposed to be triggered it just doesn't. It just handles the objects set on the first refresh, and ignores the rest of the calls. This can be best observer in firebug, then you put a break point in the edit field. And as the documentation states, the edit: would be fired on every time, as I understand.

    Await your answer

    Regards Peter
  3. CADA4D89-B6FF-4A7E-B819-0AE9F765E62C
    CADA4D89-B6FF-4A7E-B819-0AE9F765E62C avatar
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    Posted 27 Sep 2012 Link to this post

    Thanks for your email in response to my query.


    Your response does not seem to deal with the specific questions I raised. Please provide some feedback on the issues I raised .

    Regarding the 1st point in your email, I will check this out, but – as far as I know  - I was following the guidelines in the Kendo documentation.

    I’m afraid I don’t understand your second point – can you be more specific please.


    Do you wish me to send you the full project?




  4. 5C5ED5DC-B18E-4D42-9EF9-9D5D44A84167
    5C5ED5DC-B18E-4D42-9EF9-9D5D44A84167 avatar
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    Posted 27 Sep 2012 Link to this post

    Thank you for your answer.

    I then have not understood your query. suppousing you have given the example, as a tutorial for begginners, and was inquering for some answers to my own problems. But may I suggest not to use the newest kendo ui with the 1.7.1 Jquerry, I have encountered some bugs after upgrading to Q2, like the selection of a listView not working.

    Yes you where following the documentations, as have I in a simmilar configuration, but as far as I experienced the custom popup has a bug. It may be my error, of not doing something right, but as I found your project has the same flaw. I then draw the conclusion of the existance of the bug.

    Yes sorry for the incoherence of the second one, I was in a hurry.

    The Grid in kendo ui, has the fields editable, and you can define a popup to appear for the values of the grid row to be edited. Now my problem is in the next stem, when I want to make this popup console a custom one, with language specific text appearing for the button text, and in the documentation I read that it can be done in the    edit: { }  area, that is done, and fine, but this edit: {} is suppoused to be called ewery time the edit popup appears. And it doesn't. Did you expierienced the same? This is inportant because I ahve some elements that are not loaded if I reopen the edit popup, after closing following a refresh of the browser.

    Hope I made myself clear

    Regards Peter
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