Autogenerated hierarchy

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  1. 63F75A2C-1F16-4AED-AFE8-B1BBD57646AD
    63F75A2C-1F16-4AED-AFE8-B1BBD57646AD avatar
    1572 posts
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    Oct 2004

    Posted 14 Dec 2013 Link to this post


    RadControls version

     Q3 2009 and later

    .NET version

    .NET 3.5 and later

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     2008 and later

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     C#, VB

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    all browsers supported by RadControls

    This code library demonstrates RadGrid's capability to auto-generate a hierarchical representation of a mutli-table DataSet. Just set the AutogenerateHierarchy property of RadGrid to true and it will automatically generate the hierarchy based on the tables in the DataSet and their relations with one another.

    The detail tables generation will start from the table which name has been set to the DataMember property of the DataSet. In other words, RadGrid will assume this data-table as the data source for its MasterTableView. If no table name has been specified for the DataMember of the DataSet object, the first table in the latter will be treated as the data source for the grid's MasterTableView and the generation of the detail tables will go from there following the root data-table child relations.

    The detail tables in the grid will inherit the value for the HierarchyLoadMode property of the MasterTableView as well as the value for the HierarchyDefaultExpanded property.

     Important: Autogenerated hierarchy with paging is not supported scenario by our RadGrid control!

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