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  • Productivity Testing

    30 Days of TDD – Day 28 – Reader Question #4

    Robert Pack asks I noticed from the first installment of the series that you say you write classes and methods so that they only just pass tests and no more, cutting down on dead code and zombie bugs. Where does this fit into some peoples’ rules for methods having a maximum number of lines etc? Do you think that’s a completely unrealistic limit to place on methods and that they will be as long as they have to be or do you subscribe to keeping methods below a certain size? I’m interested to hear your thoughts on this.
    December 09, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    Dynamic Frames? No Problem.

    Many sites and web applications are using iframe elements to create tabs or sections on the page which the user can enable/disable/move at will. These often are being created in such a way that putting an ID on each frame is difficult or not feasible. As each frame is created or destroyed, of course, the index of a given frame within the frames collection changes. These factors combine, making it very difficult for an automation framework to reliably locate elements within the frames. Beginning with the R2 release, Test Studio 2013 introduces Custom Tags for Frames, a way to ...
    December 09, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    30 Days of TDD – Day 27 – Reader Question #3

    Adam Hall asks Just a quick question regarding TDD, encapsulation and DateTime.Now() I’ve often seen suggestions that you should control the behavior of DateTime.Now so that you can reliably test the way classes react to date times. Controlling DateTime is a solution, but it smells of violating encapsulation, you are affecting objects from outside of their boundaries (and indeed system wide) In your experience what is the best way to deal with Dates in TDD?
    December 06, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    Using QUnit To Unit Test PhoneGap/Cordova Applications

    As the state of hybrid web development matures, developers are looking to bring their tools and techniques from more "traditional" development to this new medium. One of these techniques, unit testing, can be a bit tricky to setup in PhoneGap/Cordova applications. In this article, we'll look at how to build a test suite for a hybrid app with QUnit - a popular and easy to use unit testing library. We'll look at not only how to build and run tests, but also how to automate them as well.
    December 05, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    30 Days of TDD – Day 26 – Reader Question #2

    In this post Emad Mokhtar asks: I want to know how to test my business logic which is basically related to database, I know dealing with database is integration test not unit test but this is what I want to take care of, weather my Employee entity inserted or not, did my validation work or not, what if I insert Employee and failed when in inserting his/her addresses, and can I connected to database.
    December 04, 2013