Automatically bind custom editors

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  1. 78C3B137-E2EA-4459-8402-7347F45A7CFE
    78C3B137-E2EA-4459-8402-7347F45A7CFE avatar
    885 posts
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    Nov 2003

    Posted 21 Aug 2009 Link to this post


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    In this project I demonstrate how to implement a GridViewCellEditor working exactly like the included editors described here:
    I also provide 3 videos about this solution.
    The first about the (complex) data I use.
    The second (most important) about the integration with RadGridView.
    And third one which show some attentional information about binding.

    The project includes a short PDF documentation - nothing more than my blog post about this.
    Here is the link to the blog post:!82CF2A6C0D0C6F3C!214.entry

    Although I use some very specific data I hope the sample is common enough to provide you with the information to implement your own custom editor integrated in the "automatic editor selection mechanism" of the RadGridView.

    The documentation about this topic is a bit poor at the moment - but I guess my blog post  / project includes all the information you'll need.


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