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Telerik UI for Winforms

What's New R2 2023

What's New History

Telerik UI for WinForms: Day-Zero Support for .NET 8 Preview 4

In order to keep up with the advancements of .NET, the comprehensive collection of 160+ Telerik UI for WinForms controls provides compatibility with the latest preview version of .NET 8.

.NET 8 Preview Support

Introducing Telerik UI for WinForms HeatMap Control

With R2 2023, the WinForms control suite has a new member—HeatMap. The HeatMap control provides a visual representation of numeric data using indicative colors in a two-dimensional format. It encompasses a rich set of built-in features, including screen tooltips, labels, customizable cells, row and column headers, colorizers and more.

On top of being a highly customizable control, the WinForms HeatMap excels at rendering an extensive amount of visual detail without compromising performance or interactivity.

There are two approaches to data definition that enable you to map your data properties directly or generate groups automatically for all unique values.

See the WinForms HeatMap docs: Overview

WinForms HeatMap control

New WinForms Theme: VisualStudio2022Dark

With R2 2023, the Telerik UI for WinForms themes family has a new member–VisualStudio2022Dark. As the name suggests, this theme is inspired by the dark mode of the last released version of Visual Studio. The theme features a complementary purple tone.

WinForms suite VisualStudio2022Dark theme

WinForms Scheduler Improvement: New Appointment Colors

The appearance of the WinForms Scheduler control has been updated with the introduction of modern appointment colors. These colors automatically adapt to the selected theme, providing a consistent and contemporary look and feel within your Scheduler application.

If you prefer to retain the previous appointment colors, you can easily do so by disabling a single property (UseModernAppointmentStyles) while keeping your appointment style unchanged.

WinForms Scheduler control New appointment colors

WinForms RichTextEditor Enhancement: Line Numbering

With R2 2023, the WinForms RichTextEditor allows you to display line numbers alongside each line of text, which proves to be valuable for specific types of content such as scripts, legal documents or medical records. This functionality can be used through the button inside the “Page Layout” tab of the RichTextEditor’s Ribbon UI.

WinForms RichTextEditor control displaying Line numbering support

Multiple Fixes and Improvements in Telerik UI for WinForms VirtualGrid

In R2 2023, the Telerik UI for WinForms VirtualGrid underwent various enhancements and bug fixes related to multiple CRUD operations and selection scenarios. These improvements ensure that the control functions as intended, addressing any issues or unexpected behavior that may have been encountered previously.

WinForms VirtualGrid control Copy Paste

Added TaskBoard Sorting Functionality by Columns and Tasks

With R2 2023, the Telerik UI for WinForms TaskBoard offers sorting its tasks by columns and the tasks defined in them. Additionally, you can choose whether to sort the tasks into a single column or multiple columns.

See the WinForms TaskBoard docs: Sorting Functionality

Document Processing Libraries: Fixes and Quality Improvements

In the R2 2023 release, the Document Processing team prioritized an extensive range of bug fixes, aiming to deliver a higher level of quality for the library and enhance overall performance. There was 20+ bug fixes in the PDF Processing library alone.

The PdfProcessing library now provides an image compression setting that allows you to set the desired compression for the images when exporting. The available options are Default, None and FlateDecode. Additionally, there is a new default implementation for the ImageUtils` JpegImageConverter and ImagePropertiesResolver based on the SkiaSharp library.

New SpreadStreamProcessing Improvements: Support for Importing Rich Text as Plain Text

With R2 2023 Release, the SpreadStreamProcessing library allows importing rich text and reading it as plain text without the formatting.

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