Conditional Formatting based on aggregate values in a Table

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  1. 7BD98294-6674-4AD5-9BF8-0BB37030085A
    7BD98294-6674-4AD5-9BF8-0BB37030085A avatar
    42 posts
    Member since:
    Feb 2009

    Posted 16 Feb 2011 Link to this post


    RadControls version
    .NET version

    2.0 / 4.0
    Visual Studio version

    Visual Studio 2010
    programming language

    browser support

    all browsers supported by RadControls

    This project shows how to format a value field textbox in the details section of a table,
    based on a aggregated value in a group footer of the table or in the report footer.
    The class used to demonstrate this can mark a value textbox with a certain color depending on how the value relates to its groups average value.
    It tests if the value is higher, lower exactly the same or it falls in a certain range around the compared value.
    Of course the shown methods can be used to implement any other formatting/comparison.

    It also shows how to inherit reports from a BaseReport-Class to sustain a continous corporate design and layout in all report headers or footers.

    Additionally it shows how to capture unhandled or FirstChance-Exceptions, that might come in handy while debugging complex reports.

    How to use the formatting class is extensivly explained in the comments contained in the project's code.
    Look at UserReport.vb for getting started.

    .NET 4.0 is only needed for capturing FirstChance-Exceptions.
    Remove this handler and the project is compilable under .NET 2.0
  2. 3BD6F94B-4C03-46D3-8568-9982F1F201BF
    3BD6F94B-4C03-46D3-8568-9982F1F201BF avatar
    10940 posts
    Member since:
    May 2014

    Posted 18 Feb 2011 Link to this post

    Hi Lukas,

    Thank you for the provided project and explanation. We believe it will be of help for other members of the Telerik community and will bring additional value to our product. I have updated your Telerik points as gratitude for the involvement.

    All the best,
    the Telerik team
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