Telerik blogs
  • Web

    Just Another Way to Visualize Your Data Using RadTreeView for Silverlight

    For the past couple of days I've been playing with the way RadTreeView renders its items. To be honest, I wasn't looking for any particular outcome. I was doing it just for fun, hoping that something interesting might come out. And it did. I ended up with something quite interesting and it would be a shame not to share it. Bellow are few screenshots which show the TreeView from its initial state to the point where its deepest item is expanded. Note: I do lack certain designer skills :) The TreeView is bound to an XML data source which has the following...
  • Web

    Integrating Silverlight Data Visualization controls with WCF RIA Services

    Hello everyone! There are several blogposts which demonstrate how to bind RadControls to an SQL database using WCF RIA services. This one will show how the Data Visualization controls can be bound to а sample database with RIA services. For this sample a combination of RadTimeBar and RadLinearSparkline is used without code behind modifications or ViewModel. Changing the selection of TimeBar’s time span updates the “Flight Statistics” and “Arrivals and Departures statistics” charts. The Bar Chart is populated with the number of Arrivals per Date (as being selected) and the Pie shows the Total of the Arrivals/Departures for the chosen...
  • Web

    Reading/Writing cookies with HtmlPlaceholder for Silverlight

    Recently we received a support ticket with a question whether RadHtmlPlaceholder provides support for cookies. By default, RadHtmlPlaceholder doesn't have a mechanism for reading/writing cookies. However, with the right bits of JavaScript, everything is possible :) Imagine you have an HTML page which you want to read/write cookies to and all this has to happen from Silverlight. First, you need few JavaScript methods for reading/writing cookies. Let's call the page we want to read/write cookies to CookiesPage.html. <html>     <head>         <title>Cookies Page</title>         <script type="text/javascript">             // Create a cookie with the specified name and value             function SetCookie(name, value) {                 document.cookie = name + "=" + value;                 alert("Cookie successfully set");             }             // Retrieve the value of...
  • Web

    Performance Improvements in RadSlider

    As Miro mentioned in his last post, with the upcoming 2011 Q1 Beta, we will release a new and improved version of RadSlider. A lot new features are being added and many of the existing hot spots were addressed along the way. One of them - the performance hit when RadSlider has to re-render its ticks. I took the liberty to compare the impact of RadSlider on an application before and after we made the improvements. Scenario: Every second, for 60 seconds, generate a new ViewModel and set it as DataContext to RadSlider. Goal: See how many times the LayoutUpdated event will...
    April 22, 2011
  • Desktop WPF

    How to create Scatter Error Bars and Box Plot Series with RadChart for SL/WPF

       Currently RadChart provides 27 2D Chart types for SL/WPF. You can easily customise the existing chart types to create a more complex series like the box plot(also known as box-and-whisker diagram and widely spread in descriptive statistics). This blog post will demonstrate how to create Box Plot and Scatter Error bars by reusing the default Styles of the CandleStick and Scatter series and adding custom CandleStick / CandleStickSeriesDefinition (ScatterPoint/ ScatterSeriesDefinition) pair of classes. Box Plot: The BoxPlot have five number summaries: the smallest observation (sample minimum), lower quartile(Q1), median (Q2), upper quartile(Q3), and largest observation (sample maximum).For the purpose the Open, Close, High and Low...