Telerik blogs
  • Productivity

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM – ASP.NET Web Forms Video Tutorials

    Besides the currently trending MVC framework, the traditional Web Forms are widely used for web applications development, so probably many of you are already familiar with them. OpenAccess ORM is an excellent choice for your Data Access Layer in such situation, as it is easy to integrate in just a few steps. We have already explained those steps in our new ASP.NET Development Guide, but we figured a visual representation of the same will be a faster and more pleasant way of learning what you need to know.   We have created two separate videos: for developing a Web Site using a Model First approach...
    February 08, 2012
  • Web

    Getting Started with KendoUI and OpenAccess ORM

    As many of you may know, KendoUI is a really awesome new JavaScript framework that combines everything needed for modern JS development into one sweet package.  One of the features it provides is the ability to bind different UI controls to various data sources; so in this blog I will show you how OpenAccess ORM can be leveraged on the backend, and KendoUI can take care of the front end! Getting Set Up To get started create a new ASP.Net Empty Web Application. Note: You can really use any web based project template you like, in this walkthrough I just chose to start with nothing. :) Once...
    February 07, 2012
  • Productivity

    Telerik OpenAccess ORM – MVC Video Tutorials

    We believe that the fastest way to learn how to use an OpenAccess model in your ASP.NET MVC 3 application is to watch a video tutorial. Therefore we have prepared some videos, guiding your OpenAccess ORM integration in an MVC project step by step.   Of course, there are different approaches to that based on your needs and personal preferences – you might want to use the strong capabilities of our Visual Designer Database-First scenario to create your Domain Model or you can map everything using our Fluent Mapping API. In any case, each of the dedicated video series will guide you through the...
    February 06, 2012
  • Release

    Telerik OpenAccess SDK – MVC 3, RAD data binding and more

      As a response to your constant requests for sample projects demonstrating the best practices of using OpenAccess ORM in web projects, we have released some of the new and updated samples before Q1 2012 so that you can benefit from them immediately.   MVC developers will be happy to know that along with the MVC 2 example “MVC Forum”, we are now offering two solutions demonstrating MVC 3 usage with Fluent API or an .rlinq Domain Model – whichever approach you prefer. In addition, you can see an implementation using the Razor view engine as an alternative of the default one. Find the...
    January 30, 2012
  • Release

    Dynamic Data Support for OpenAccess ORM in Q3 2011 Release

    In past releases, we included an example in our SDK that showed customers how to work with Dynamic Data projects when using OpenAccess ORM.  The process was not as straightforward as we would have liked, but it worked.  In this release we are excited to announce that we have greatly simplified this process by adding wizards, and a new provider, allowing OpenAccess ORM to work directly with .Net 4.0 Dynamic Data Web Applications, and Web Sites. Getting Started To use this new functionality, the first thing you need to do is build a Telerik OpenAccess ORM domain model. Once the domain...
    November 22, 2011