Telerik blogs

How one development company CEO leveraged Progress Telerik for his business and customers, and why he thinks it can help your business too.

I write this article as a deep admirer of Progress Telerik for its products, extraordinary graphical interfaces, high-performance Grids, document manipulation libraries, report editor, and an immense number of components for various languages and platforms, in addition to the quality of support and best of all: listening to its customers.

The fact is, here I am, now a Progress Champion writing for the Progress Telerik blog because I was a customer first—and I’m sharing from that experience. My admiration is technical because, before I met Telerik, I had already developed more than 200 components using VB 5/6 (ActiveX DLL) as a developer, consultant and CEO at Menphis, based in Brazil.

The image below is the face of my main product at the time, Advocati Desktop, before using Progress Telerik:

Advocati Desktop
Main screen from Advocati Desktop

Sorry, but …

I'm limited by the technology of my time
Meme from Internet/Disney movie

With all this experience, I grew professionally, reaching unprecedented know-how and know-why because, with Advocati Desktop, I gathered requirements, developed, implemented, offered support, and worked simultaneously as an IT Administrator using the system I had designed—a unique experience.

When Menphis started working with C# (WinForms and ASP.NET WebForms), we found in Telerik the same quality we sought to create when making our products.

In this way, the choice for Telerik was automatic because other competitors did not offer the same quality and diversity of products.

We built the web version of Advocati Desktop with Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX. The demo is accessible via the link on my digital card:

Customers’ CRUD

With the COVID-19 pandemic, I entered a new phase in my career. I started working for other companies as an employee or freelancer, providing services to large companies in Brazil and internationally.

In these companies where I worked and also in the consulting time of Menphis, I always observed that developers have this idea that they need to create their own components, just like me. However, the burden is enormous because always keeping up to date and working with the system for an extended period generates a technological debt that no one wants for themselves.

I also observed that large companies’ system developments could reduce their time drastically by switching to a professional component library. After all, instead of using RAD (rapid application development) tools with configuration, operation, performance and scalability like Telerik products, much time was wasted trying to solve behavioral problems of open-source (“free”) components, which end up being much more expensive because they do not have support or updates. An economy that is not at all intelligent!

I call on all Project Managers, CTOs, CIOs and those interested in technology to consider Telerik DevCraft, which, in addition to having a coherent and customizable look, also has the benefit of being easily updated to the most recent versions of programming languages/tools such as WinForms, WPF, React, Angular, Vue, jQuery, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, .NET MAUI, etc. The license is perpetual, and you get one year of free upgrades. Stay up to date with new versions and robust support by renewing your license, which comes discounted when done annually.

To reinforce my point, with Telerik, you save development time with easy-to-handle components that come with functional code, demos and forums; that deliver high performance; that are scalable, with unique features and attractive UIs; and, above all, that will add to your product’s or service’s credibility by using the same technology that Microsoft, IBM and NASA (among other giants) use globally.

Check all Telerik products at

I encourage you to give it a try—download a free trial today.

About the Author

Jefferson S. Motta

Jefferson S. Motta is a senior software developer, IT consultant and system analyst from Brazil, developing in the .NET platform since 2011. Creator of www.Advocati.NET, since 1997, a CRM for Brazilian Law Firms. He enjoys being with family and petting his cats in his free time. You can follow him on LinkedIn and GitHub.

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