
UI for Xamarin

Xamarin.Forms DataGrid

  • Best in class Xamarin Data Grid component featuring stunning performance, CRUD operations support, MVVM support, filtering, sorting, grouping, validation and much more.
  • Part of Telerik UI for Xamarin together with other best-in-class native components for any mobile device.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, learning resources and more!
Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Component
  • Rows Alternation

    DataGrid supports alternating row colors so your app users can easily distinguish one row from another. 

    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Alternation
  • Styling and Appearance

    The Telerik DataGrid control for Xamarin.Forms features a built-in styling mechanism for customizing the look of the control and its items with the already familiar approach of using StyleClass and resources. Utilizing the theming concept makes it easier to implement corporate branding in a mobile application or to achieve the same look and feel on both Android and iOS.

    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Theming
  • Localization and Globalization

    The control has built-in localization support, which makes it easy to localize your app to any language your project demands. In addition, the control also features globalization capabilities, so it reflects the device culture and uses it to present the user with the appropriate culture specific formats.

    Documentation on Localization and Globalization Support

    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Localization
  • Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Overview

    The Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid is a powerful and feature rich control that allows you to easily visualize and edit tabular represented data in your Xamarin.Forms apps. The control can be populated from various data sources, has built in CRUD operations, out-of-the-box support for operations like sorting, filtering and grouping, and validation and editing over the underlying data.

    Combined with stunning performance and platform specific UI, the DataGrid control is a great tool to display data in native mobile applications for Android, iOS and UWP, both in Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac.

    Documentation on Getting Started with the Xamarin.Forms DataGrid Control

    Telerik UI for Xamarin GridView 350xY
  • High Performance & UI Virtualization

    Provide your end users with flawless performance thanks to the powerful grid control data layer. The built-in UI Virtualization makes sure that cell and row elements are created only when needed and only for the currently visible cell and row elements, hence reducing memory footprint and boosting performance to new heights.

    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Speed
  • Data Management and CRUD Operations

    The Telerik UI for Xamarin Data Grid control can display data from any data source by simply feeding the data items collection to its ItemSource property. Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations are also supported out-of-the-box by the underlying data engine.
    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid CRUD
  • Load on Demand

    Loading a large data set on a mobile device has its challenges. One of the most popular approaches is using incremental data loading as additional items need to be visualized, on demand by the user. Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid offers automatic data loading once you’ve scrolled to the last available record, or by displaying a customizable button which will initiate loading more data items.

    Documentation on the DataGrid Load On-Demand Mode
    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid LoadOnDemand
  • Commands and MVVM Support

    Following best practices for the Command design pattern in XAML and MVVM words, DataGrid for Xamarin Forms provides MVVM support with a set of commands that allow different aspects of the control behavior to be handled or completely overridden.

    Documentation on the DataGrid Commands Support

  • Wide Variety of Predefined Columns

    DataGrid has plenty of built-in columns such as Text, Boolean, Numeric, ComboBox, DateTime and a Template grid column to enable handling different data types and user scenarios, each with its specific editor. There are also several types of column generation options such as automatic grid column generation, manual or mixed mode, that brings utmost flexibility when shaping up columns in the grid control.

    Documentation on the DataGrid Columns

    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Editing Types
  • Xamarin DataGrid Editing

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Grid read/write capability allows developers to quickly enable app users to edit data presented in the grid. Depending on the column data type, a relevant editor allows end users to edit content with the appropriate editor type. For instance, if one of the columns is a date, a date-picker will be used to offer the user a change in date field.

    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Editing
  • Validation API

    Built-in validation enables restricting the input data to a desired format via custom validation or INotifyDataErrorInfo, providing the ability to display the errors on an external UI.

    Documentation on the DataGrid Validation API

    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Validation
  • Filtering, Grouping and Sorting

    Easily perform SORT, FILTER or GROUP operations on your data via the intuitive user interface or with the convenient API of the DataGrid. The highly optimized data layer of the control handles these operations instantly. No matter what your goal is for displaying the data in the grid, or the app user’s preferred data view, it can be done with the various options for sorting - ascending, descending, single, or multi-column, as well as custom, filtering with different types of filter descriptors, expressions and filter editors for the diverse data types, or grouping the data on single or multiple levels with hierarchical view.

    Documentation on the supported SortingFiltering and Grouping capabilities of the Xamarin.Forms DataGrid

    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Sorting Grouping Filtering
  • Nested Properties Support

    With built-in support for Nested Properties, DataGrid columns can be bound to sub-objects of the items in the item source. Now it is possible to bind to Company.Supervisor.Name - the Name property of the object stored in the Supervisor object of the data item, or any other level of nested properties.

    Documentation on the Xamarin DataGrid Nested Properties Support

    Telerik UI for Xamarin - DataGrid - Nested Properties Image
  • Single and Multiple Selection

    DataGrid features single or multiple item selection, as well as controlling the selection—Unit – Cell or Row—thus enabling any selection scenario you want your Xamarin app users to have.

    Documentation on the DataGrid Selection Capabilities

    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Selection Modes
  • Fine-Grained Customizations

    Visual elements and menus in the Xamarin Data Grid control are accessible and highly customizable. To achieve any UI requirements, you can change colors, fonts or directions, add/remove/replace menu items in context menus, define cell, editors, column and group header styles, set error text for non-validated cells and rows and much more.

    Documentation on the DataGrid Styling Capabilities

    Telerik UI for Xamarin DataGrid Fine Grained
  • Exposed ScrollItemIntoView API

    This API allows you to programmatically scroll to an item.

All UI for Xamarin Components

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