
UI for Xamarin

Xamarin.Forms Calendar

  • Part of Telerik UI for Xamarin together with other best-in-class native components for any mobile device.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, learning resources and more!
Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar
  • Overview

    The Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar allows you to easily implement various calendar and scheduling scenarios in your apps built with Xamarin or Xamarin.Forms and targeting Android, iOS and UWP. Whether you want to enable date selection or create a full-blown scheduler functionality, the Xamarin Calendar has got you covered.

    Documentation on Getting Started with the Xamarin.Forms Calendar Control

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar
  • Calendar Views

    With the Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar you can apply various View modes that specify what is visible in the widget. The most common are Month, Week and Year views, but the Xamarin.Forms Calendar can also visualize more advanced selections like Day, MultiDay and more for different mobile platforms.

    Documentation on the Xamarin.Forms Calendar View Modes

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Views

    Using the Telerik Xamarin Calendar you can add appointments for a particular date out-of-the-box.   

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Views Appointments
  • Day View

    With the Xamarin.Forms Calendar control end users of your application have a detailed view of their schedule for a specific day. Using the Day View feature, it is easy to apply unique in terms of styling and appearance experience for daily usage of the calendar, being for the current or another day.

    Documentation on the Xamarin.Forms Calendar Day View



    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Day View Mode
  • Multi Day View Mode

    The Multi Day View mode of the Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar control visualizes a detailed view of the schedule for two or more days visible on the same screen. This provides the end user an overview of his calendar events and appointments over a longer period.

    Documentation on the Xamarin.Forms Calendar Multi-Day View

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar MultiDayView Mode
  • Scheduler

    The Scheduling UI of the Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar allows easy creation and modification of appointments both for single day and/or multi-day (e.g. week) scenarios. With the scheduler control included in the Calendar component, you can easily build the needed scheduling functionality for your mobile application. 

    Documentation on the Xamarin.Forms Calendar Scheduling UI

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Scheduler
  • Agenda View Mode

    The Agenda View mode of the Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar control enables you to see your scheduled appointments, grouped by date, in a list. This view mode allows you to easily customize how the list is visualized – you can set everything from custom date and time formats to modifying the styling of each text label. 
    Telerik UI for Xamarin AgendaView mode
  • Appointments

    Using the Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar you can add new appointments via a floating action button or edit them for a particular date and time in an easy and straight forward manner. The functionality comes out-of-the-box in a convenient and familiar UI based on the device they are using, be it Android or iOS.

    Documentation on the Xamarin.Forms Calendar Appointments Capabilities

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Appointments
  • Recurring Appointments Support

    A common scenario for users is having a certain appointment happening more than once at a certain interval of time. With our Xamarin.Forms Calendar, end users of your application can easily set the interval at which an event will happen from the control, be it daily, weekly, monthly, or on certain day of month, week, year and much more.

    Documentation on the Xamarin.Forms Calendar Recurring Appointments Capabilities

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Control Recurring Appointments Support
  • Single, Multiple and Range Selection

    The Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar features single, multiple item and range selection in order to allow any selection scenario you want in your Xamarin app.

    Documentation on the Xamarin.Forms Calendar Selection Capabilities

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Single Multiple and Range Selection Types
  • Localization and Globalization

    The control has built-in localization support, which makes it easy to localize your app to any language your project demands. In addition, the control also features globalization capabilities, so it reflects the device culture and uses it to present the user with the appropriate culture-specific formats.

    Documentation on Xamarin Localization support

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Localization and Globalization
  • Restricted Calendar Slots

    The Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar allows easy configuration of restricted date\time slots in your application. With this feature, you can directly disable the meetings or appointments creation for a specific date and time to prevent event creation over the weekend or a certain time of the day.

    Documentation on the Xamarin.Forms Calendar Restricted Slots Functionality

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Restricted Slots
  • Customizing Scheduling UIs

    The Telerik UI Calendar control gives you the ability to customize the scheduling UI! Now, you can edit the control templates of the different views and apply customizations. Here’s the list of scheduling UI Views you can customize:


    • AddAppointmentView: view that allows the user to change the main appointment properties like Title, Start and End Date, Detail, Recurrence, whether it will be All Day appointment.
    • AppointmentSummaryView: view that shows brief information about the appointment.
    • ColorPickerView: view for picking color which is applied to the appointment.
    • DeleteAppointmentView: view for choosing appointment deleting options.
    • SaveRecurringAppointmentView: view for choosing recurring appointment saving options.
    • DeleteRecurringAppointmentView: view for choosing recurring appointments deleting options.
    • RepeatAppointmentView: view for choosing predefined repeat options like EveryDay, Every Month, Every Year, etc.
    • EndRepeatAppointmentView: view for choosing when recurring appointments ends.


    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Scheduling UI
  • Special Calendar Slots

    With the Special Slots feature of the Xamarin.Forms Calendar you can define certain time slots as special in order to provide better contextual information for them. The Calendar control allows for easy styling of those slots as well as usage of templates for their content.

    Documentation on the Xamarin.Forms Calendar Special Slots Functionality

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Special Slots
  • Fine-Grained Customizations

    Thanks to the flexible API of the Calendar control you have the freedom to customize it to your exact requirements without a hassle. You can directly configure how various elements of the Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar are displayed in your application, change the grid lines, the cell appearance and how appointments look.

    Documentation on the Xamarin.Forms Calendar Styling API

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Customizations
  • Non-Working Hours

    The Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar provides the option to define working hours for the whole week. It is as easy as setting start and end time of the working day and the remaining hours are automatically identified across the Xamarin.Forms Calendar timeline as non-working.

    Documentation on the Xamarin.Forms Calendar Non-Working Hours Functionality

    Telerik UI for Xamarin Calendar Non-working hours

All UI for Xamarin Components

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