Client-side tab pre-loading

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  1. 73775543-00FD-47E9-992E-5FA200A0DD98
    73775543-00FD-47E9-992E-5FA200A0DD98 avatar
    34 posts
    Member since:
    Nov 2007

    Posted 17 Sep 2008 Link to this post


    RadControls version

    ASP.Net Ajax 2008.2 SP1 (2008.2.826.35)
    .NET version

    Visual Studio version

    programming language

    browser support

    all browsers supported by RadControls

    Another example of a custom tabstrip.
    If you need to get a large tabstrip downloaded and useable quickly, this example shows how the first tab is rendered to the client and once everything is loaded client-side, the further tabs are rendered in the background.
    The user can use the tabs as they become useable and enabled.

    I have seen examples of this implemented using server-side timer controls, but this approach didn't work for us as the timer could kick off before the page had finished loading.

    Unzip the project and open it in Visual Studio. All that is required is the .Net 3.5 version of your control library to be in the root of the project.

    Kind regards,


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