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UI for Silverlight Forum
5 answers
Could someone help me with implementing a Wizard with the RadTransition control and several UserControls.

Basically we have 5 UserControls that represent the pages of a complex wizard.  At the moment we have a hand coded slide animation that animates the pages in and out, but we have a requirement to support a user choice of animation in the future and the RadTransition control fits perfectly for this.

I have tried following the code in the samples putting our UserControls in a Listbox and binding to the SelectedItem but cannot get this to work.

Our current implementation has all 5 pages added to a Grid column and all but the first one are moved off to the right out of view by setting the X of their TranslateTransform element.  Then as the user clicks on Next or Back code is executed to slide the current page out and the new page in.  I was hoping to be able to replace the content of the grid column with a RadTransition control and have it take responsibility for animating the pages in and out.

We aren't using the Silverlight or Telerik navigation features because we don't want users to be able to navigate to wizard pages using a url and we also had trouble with pages being cached that meant we had to do more state management than was reasonable.
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 answered on 03 May 2014
1 answer
Hi to all,
my question is, can I navigate trought children by child?

I have a TranstionalControl that has several page child. I navigate trought pages child by a my combobox.
When I select an combobox's item, I jump to selected page child.

But if I want to jump to another child page, by current child page. How can I do?

Child could comunicate to Parent (TransitionControllo) to navigate to another page.

Telerik team
 answered on 03 Jul 2013
0 answers

I try to use RadTransitionControl with PRISM, but my program does not work correctly.

Xaml :
<telerik:RadTransitionControl prism:RegionManager.RegionName="MyRegion1" >

CB :
private void RadMenu_ItemClick(object sender, Telerik.Windows.RadRoutedEventArgs e)
            switch ((e.OriginalSource as ExtendedMenuItem).AdditionalInfo.ToString())
                case "XX":
                case "YY":
                case "ZZ":
                    MessageBox.Show("Module indisponible");

my problem is that the transition does not work. There is only the first module that appears.
how I can solve this problem.
thank you
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 asked on 17 Jun 2013
2 answers
<ControlTemplate TargetType="navigation:Frame" x:Name="MainFramtransition">
                    <telerik:RadTransitionControl Content="{TemplateBinding Content}"  
            ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding Content}" >
                        <telerik:RadTransitionControl.Transition  >
                            <effects:RollTransition />

I am trying to do the following senario.

I have a main frame which has a radtraisitioncontrol with rolltransition effect.

Inside this frame, i have another frame also. (attaching the structure for referance)

When i adding the radtransition control to subframe as below

<navigation:Frame x:Name="SubContents" Margin="5,0,5,5" MaxWidth="1000" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="3"  ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"
                       <ControlTemplate   x:Name="SubFramtransition" TargetType="navigation:Frame">
                           <telerik:RadTransitionControl Content="{TemplateBinding Content}"  >
                               <telerik:RadTransitionControl.Transition  >
                                   <effects:RollTransition />

The mianfram contians below code for radtranstioncontrol

But when i run the application and the mainframe is loaded, it throws un_expected_error in client side and there is no detials avialable.

could you please help?
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 answered on 25 Apr 2013
1 answer
I am using radtransitioncontrol with frames. Tihs works well in common senarions.
But when the content page is large and takes time to fetch data from server, the page gets hung. if i remove the radtransition control, it works well.
Is there anything i can do to make this work well?
Telerik team
 answered on 25 Apr 2013
1 answer
I'm using RadControls Q2 2012.
In second example of TransitionControl, the ContentTemplate has margin set to :
<Border Margin="47 40 47 18">
But I don't want use margin. when I remove the margin property or set it to 0, an exception will thrown.
How can I remove margin from it?
Telerik team
 answered on 26 Feb 2013
2 answers
New to Telerik Silverlight controls and not sure if I am not looking in the right place or not. I have searched around and cannot seem to find a solution for using a transition control with stackpanels. Maybe it would be better to outline the issue: I have three stackpanels with different things like a detail section / stackpanel with textblocks, a history section / stackpanel with a RadGridView, etc. The idea is to have one visible until a button or something is clicked and it will hide the one there and show the next one. Am I on the right track or need to refocus?

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 answered on 31 Jan 2013
11 answers
I have a transition control inside a viewbox.  When the transition is about to happen, the content of the transition control changes size (slight distort).

Any idea why?
Telerik team
 answered on 30 Jan 2013
0 answers
I would like to reduce the code footprint by creating a template so it can all be declared in the RadTransitionControl. I have snaffled this from an existing thread.

<telerik:RadTransitionControl Grid.Row="16" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="tcText1">
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding}" FontSize="14" />
                        <BackEase />
                        <telerik:FadeTransition />

Is it possible to put the Content, easing and transition into a single template or style, I could not work out which to use ControlTemplate, Style, DataTemplate etc.

I have no trouble handling the timing in the ViewModel, is there a method to only do the fade 1 time (other than code in the VM) and have the content show without fade after the initial load. This is the Home page and will be returned to many times and I don't want the repeated fade to distract/annoy the user.

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 asked on 17 Dec 2012
2 answers

I see a lot of people try to achieve that the animation does not show on first container, but somehow i have that behavior by default and i NEED to show the animation on first container.

The code is:
//Set the content of the transition control
      Trans.Content = _cnv;
      switch (Transition)
        case TransitionEnum.Fade:
          Trans.Transition = new FadeTransition();
        case TransitionEnum.FlipWarpAnimation:
          Trans.Transition = new FlipWarpTransition();

I don't see what i'm doing wrong, i'm setting the content and then i define the transition, but the content is shown without animation. Then when i change the content again i will get the animation.

Has this been changed so it would the default behavior... if so, how do i get it to show the animation?

Best Regards


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 answered on 08 Nov 2012
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