Telerik blogs

Just Trace

Understanding .NET Just-In-Time Compilation
The JIT Compiler resolves most of the limitations of the explicit compilation and delivers additional functional benefits. Programs in .NET are available on a wide range of platforms. The .NET JIT Compiler can optimize the most used IL code for even faster performance.


Asset Management, the Status Quo and Areas Of Opportunity
This blog post discusses asset management and existing solutions for it.

Telerik OpenAccess ORM

INotifyPropertyChanged out of the box
INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyPropertyChanging interface implementations for all persistent properties will be only one click away with Q2 2013 of OpenAccess ORM!


Backend Extension Scripts
Setting a Default Filter for Library Items in Sitefinity CMS
Explains how you can operate with the backend extension scripts, implement backend filtering using a sidebar widget, and set the default filter when a backend view is open.

Mobile App Builder
Post-Webinar Post: Sitefinity's Mobile App Builder
Provides a summary of our may 30th Sitefinity's Mobile App Builder
and demonstrates how the basics of the demonstrated functionality have been implemented.

New KB articles
“Invalid time zone ID” exception on Azure deployed projects
Products cannot be created after upgrading to version 6
Products cannot be created after uninstalling and reinstalling Ecommerce module in version 6

Rad Controls for ASP.NET AJAX

Totals Calculations (NEW Feature)
RadPivotGrid can now apply specific calculations on your data.

Conditional HierarchyLoadMode (NEW Feature)
This new mode is mix of server and client load - when an item is expanded for the first time, a postback is initiated to get the required child items but next time the same item will be expanded on the client without additional postbacks.

Export multiple grids to Excel
Demonstrates how to export multiple RadGrids in different Excel spreadsheets.

Help article describing the properties that can be used with the RadRibbonBarGalleryItem

Help article describing how the RadDropDownTree control can be localized.

Introducing the SeriesItems Collection in RadHtmlChart for ASP.NET AJAX
Blog post that introduces the new SeriesItems collection of RadHtmlChart.

RadControls for Silverlight

This demo demonstrates PointSeries and MarkedZone Annotations.
Large (Scatter) Data
This example was updated to demonstrate the CrosshairBehavior.

Integration between RadContextMenu and RadDropDownButton
In this demo you can check the improved integration between RadDropDownButton and RadContextMenu. In addition you will find out how to use EventToCommandBehavior and integrate additional control directly in RadContextMenu.

In this example you can see some of the selection and hover capabilities of the heat map.

Virtualization and Grouping
This example demonstrates the virtualization and grouping features of the new Visualization Layer.

Customization of RadMenu
We've updated this demo and now RadMenu is using our latest menu item types - RadMenuGroupItem and RadMenuSeparatorItem.

Serialization of RadPivotGrid
In this demo you will find out how to serialize and deserialize RadPivotGrid's state, so you can save it and load later.
RadPivotGrid and Tabular Mode of OLAP Cube
In this demo you will find out how to connect RadPivotGrid with OLAP Cube in Tabular Mode.

RadControls for WPF

Point (navigate to ChartView->Gallery->Point example)
This demo demonstrates PointSeries and MarkedZone Annotations.
Large (Scatter) Data (navigate to ChartView->LargeData example)
This example was updated to demonstrate the CrosshairBehavior.

Integration between RadContextMenu and RadDropDownButton
(navigate to ContextMenu->DropDownButtonIntegration example)
In this demo you can check the improved integration between RadDropDownButton and RadContextMenu. In addition you will find out how to use EventToCommandBehavior and integrate additional control directly in RadContextMenu.

Selection (navigate to HeatMap->Selection example)
In this example you can see some of the selection and hover capabilities of the heat map.

Virtualization and Grouping (navigate to Map->ClusterVirtualization example)
This example demonstrates the virtualization and grouping features of the new Visualization Layer.

Customization of RadMenu (navigate to Menu->Customization example)
We've updated this demo and now RadMenu is using our latest menu item types - RadMenuGroupItem and RadMenuSeparatorItem.

Serialization of RadPivotGrid (navigate to PivotGrid->Serialization example)
In this demo you will find out how to serialize and deserialize RadPivotGrid's state, so you can save it and load later.
RadPivotGrid and Tabular Mode of OLAP Cube (navigate to PivotGrid->TabularMode example)
In this demo you will find out how to connect RadPivotGrid with OLAP Cube in Tabular Mode.

Rad Controls for Windows 8

Data Storage (new control)
DataStorage XAML / HTML
Documentation about the new Telerik Data Storage.

SDK Examples (HTML)
An article explaining how to use the SDK examples of RadControls for Windows 8 HTML, placed in GitHub.

List Controls Output (HTML)
New help topics about the HTML output and CSS classes of RadAutoCompleteBox, RadComboBox, RadDropDownList and RadTokenInput

Create a Bullet Graph Using RadChart (HTML)
A new help article explaining how to create a bullet graph using the new Bullet series in RadChart

Plot Bands (HTML)
Updated the Plot Bands article to describe the new opacity property of the plot bands

Custom Editors (HTML)
A new article showing how to use custom editors in RadGrid

Editing Configuration (HTML)
Updated the article with an example

Rad Controls for WinForms

Announcing Q2 2013 RadControls for WinForms Beta – Now available for download
A look at the Q2 2013 Beta release of Radcontrols for WinForms 

About the Author

Ivailo Ivanov

 is Team Lead in Telerik Data Access


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