Telerik blogs


Single Page Application (SPA) development
RequireJS Fundamentals
In this blog post you will learn how to build applications using KendoUI and RequireJS

Announcing the Kendo UI Q1 2013 Service Pack
This blog post highlights a few of things we’ve added in this release.

Telerik OpenAccess ORM

Package Installation Error: Could not add all required packages to the project
This knowledge base article will help you to resolve an error thrown by Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 when you attempt to create a project with the OpenAccess web templates distributed with version Q1 2013 SP1 or earlier.


Sitefintiy 6.0 Ecommerce highlights
Gives an overview of the new features for sitefinity ecommerce module introduced with sitefinity 6.0 release

Integrating Sitefintiy CMS with Salesforce CRM
Provides a sample implementation of integration scenario between Salesforce and Sitefinity forms module.

Creating categories control to list certain subcategories 
Provides sample implementation of adding limited set of categories for filtering Sitefinity content.

Synchronizing Sitefinity data with the cloud
Introduces Sitefinity 6.0 integration with cloud services.

Interacting with blog post view results in error

Installation and Administration guide

User Guide

RadControls for Silverlight

Restore the focus
The help article is updated with one more common scenario for restoring the focus on the last control that had the focus before showing the RadBusyIndicator control.

Handling SelectionChanged for the GridViewComboBoxColumn
This help article shows how to handle SelectionChanged event for the GridViewComboBoxColumn

The article explains the purpose and use of the RadDocumentEditor class.

RadControls for WPF

Restore the focus
The help article is updated with one more common scenario for restoring the focus on the last control that had the focus before showing the RadBusyIndicator control.

Handling SelectionChanged for the GridViewComboBoxColumn
This help article shows how to handle SelectionChanged event for the GridViewComboBoxColumn

The article explains the purpose and use of the RadDocumentEditor class.

RadControls for Windows 8

Visual Structure (XAML)
A new help article describing the visual elements in RadAutoCompleteBox and their purpose.

RadControls for WinForms

RadChart for WinForms is obsolete. Now what?
As a part of the Telerik RadControls toolbox, RadChart for WinForms is a cool component to use, no doubt. However, at the time it was developed, not all functional and visual trends in the UI components in the years to come were foreseen and taken into consideration. Due to user demand for a high-performing feature-rich charting solution, we decided that it is time to redesign this control so that it can deliver on the latest UX and development requirements and leave room for further improvements to come thanks to its flexible architecture.

About the Author

Ivailo Ivanov

 is Team Lead in Telerik Data Access


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