Telerik blogs
  • Web

    Handling “JQuery Is Not Defined” Error with RadControls For Windows 8 HTML

    Did you hit the "JQuery is undefined" error in your WinJS Windows Store App? See the quick and easy resolution here.
    January 24, 2013
  • Mobile

    Adding and Editing Records with AppBar Flyouts

    In my last post, I showed how to simple it is to remove commands from the user interface and place them into the AppBar. The commands for editing records and adding new records are both hardcoded to which record gets edited and what data gets added. That is not a very user friendly way to edit/add records. Windows 8 applications can take advantage of Flyouts for tasks such as getting data into an application, presenting a screen for editing a record, and any other interaction with the user. A Flyout is essentially a mini-form or user control (neither term is technically correct, but you get the point, I believe). Instead of swapping the currently displayed content with another screen for editing records and another screen for adding records, using Flyouts can help keep your users focused on their data and the task at hand.
    January 17, 2013
  • Release

    Extended Date/Time input with RadControls for Windows 8 Q3 2012 SP1

    We are happy to announce the Service Pack 1 release of our RadControls for Windows 8 suite. Along with the numerous bug fixes and improvements we have also implemented two highly requested new features for our Date/Time Picker components, available both for the XAML and HTML parts of the suite.
    December 06, 2012
  • Mobile

    Using the Performance Analyzer for HTML5 Apps in Windows 8

    If you have built a Windows 8 app, you are probably familiar with the WACK (Windows App Certification Kit). This small utility allows a developer to make sure that their app passes the basic tests performed during the Windows Store certification process. Visual Studio 2012 advises you to run the WACK each time you create an app package. This tool is great for small and simple apps, but for more complex ones you will need a better way to evaluate their performance. That is why you should also test using the Performance Analyzer for HTML5 Apps.
    December 04, 2012
  • Productivity

    Decompile with a Bang!

    JustDecompile Q3 2012 Is Here It is hard to believe that less than year has gone by since we officially released JustDecompile. This is the second release cycle since that time, and we have added features worth celebrating! JustDecompile API is Open Create your own plugin and supercharge the power of JustDecompile. The JustDecompile API is now open and fully documented, making it easier than ever to harness the power of JustDecompile’s decompilation engine.  There are currently two plugins available: Reflexil, for assembly editing and De4Dot, for deobfuscating obfuscated assemblies. These plugins and their source code are available on the JustDecompile plugins page....
    October 26, 2012