Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    Gauge components for Windows Phone beta

    The first beta release for our Windows Phone controls is here and along with the jump-list, super-fast list box, data engine and the mandatory controls polish we also managed to squeeze in some completely new gauge components.   The gauges for windows phone more closely resemble a miniature library of classes rather than single reusable components because there are so many properties to tweak. It makes no sense to try and encapsulate all of this flexibility in a single object with some properties. During the design-phase of the gauges a few questions popped up the most important of which is, of course, what exactly...
    February 04, 2011
  • Release

    RadControls for Windows Phone 7 Q1 2011 Beta released

    We are most excited to announce the immediate availability of our RadControls for Windows Phone 7 Q1 2011 Beta release. This is a major milestone for us and we managed to complete all the scheduled new controls and features as well as lots of bug fixes and polish over the entire suite. In case you still don't have a copy grab one from here. I cannot wait to share what’s new in this release: Gauge: The First Look example in our Demo application Gauges are a fundamental part of every data visualization application and that is why we focused our efforts on delivering industry leading solution...
    February 03, 2011
  • People

    Thoughts on Being Awarded Microsoft Silverlight MVP

    This isn't going to be your typical code sample-heavy blog post, but rather I wanted to reflect on something that arrived at my doorstep about two weeks ago... That is correct, I was awarded the Microsoft Silverlight MVP award for the past year of work around this fantastic platform.  So let me start by saying thanks for both the nomination as well as the award - while it was never the goal of helping the community to grow and learn, it is certainly a nice perk. ;) And of course things are just getting started, as we saw at the Silverlight Firestarter,...
    January 17, 2011
  • Desktop WPF

    Controlling TreeView’s ExpanderStyle Dynamically

    Sometimes the TreeView is used in scenarios where the expander style must be styled in custom fashion. Prior 2010 Q3 SP1 there was no easy way to dynamically change the expander style of the TreeView or particular item. TreeView’s ExpanderStyle So we decided to extend the functionality provided by the TreeView. Prior this enhancement changes to the ExpanderStyle property during runtime would not affect already visible items. The property now supports dynamic values and data binding. This way you can easily change the style of the expander of all items in the hierarchy during runtime. Item’s ExpanderStyle Working only with the TreeView’s ExpanderStyle...
    January 17, 2011
  • Web

    TreeView BringIntoView

    Quite often TreeView is used in scenarios where a particular item should be displayed on the screen. You may want to display some item when the tree is initially shown on the screen or when a new item is added. These scenarios look simple but are a bit tricky because you have to wait until the TreeView loads and then make your desired actions. Waiting for Loaded Event TreeView provides the BringIntoView functionality in several forms: you can call BringIntoView from the tree itself and bring a child item; get some TreeViewItem by calling GetItemByPath and call BringIntoView upon this item container;...
    January 12, 2011