Telerik blogs
  • Desktop

    When Should You Use Metro, Version 2

    A blog by Todd Anglin, Chief Evangelist at Telerik. (Original post here) During my busy week at the Microsoft BUILD conference, I cranked-out a quick and rough decision tree designed to help you decide which Microsoft platform you should use for app development:Silverlight/WPF, HTML5, or the new Metro/WinRT. The chart proved to be very popular, so I thought I'd revisit the decision tree and with the benefit of more time to reflect, produce a new, more complete version. Thus, I present version 2 of the "How to Pick Your Platform" chart. What's Different? In the original chart, the first question I made you answer was, "Do you need to support...
    September 21, 2011
  • Mobile

    Palette support in RadChart for Windows Phone

      We are working hard to improve our charting component for Windows Phone 7 and to make it more and more feature-rich. And we are happy to share that as of Service Pack 1 of the Mango build of our tools, RadChart gets “Palette” support. A Palette may be thought of as a collection of brushes that define the look-and-feel of chart series and data points. The API is quite flexible and allows you to create custom palette or to select from the built-in ones. Two predefines palettes are currently available – Contrast and Warm. To simplify the usage we have created a smart...
    September 21, 2011
  • Web

    How to Pick Your Platform: Silverlight, Metro, or HTML5

      While Windows 8 is ushering in an exciting new model for Windows development called "Metro style apps" that run a new "unified" Windows Runtime (WinRT), it's not necessarily the right choice for all new Windows software development. In fact, there are a lot scenarios where it's not a good choice. In this over-simplified decision tree, I try to provide some crude logic for how to pick between your platform options. Clearly, there are many nuances not covered in this tree, but I'll work on expanding the "logic" to make it more bullet proof in the coming weeks. The first decision is the most important, though: Do you need to continue...
    September 15, 2011
  • Mobile

    Mango and System.Reflection.Emit – new optimizations in RadControls for Windows Phone

    One of the tasty new features of the new “Mango” update of the Windows Phone developer tools is the presence of System.Reflection.Emit. This allows us, developers, to do some nice tricks to boost the overall app performance in corner cases. As some of you may be familiar with our RadChart for Windows Phone API, there are two types of DataPoint bindings, allowing you to MVVM-bind the chart:  PropertyNameDataPointBinding GenericDataPointBinding<T, TResult>  As the name hints, the first type of binding uses the name of a property in order to retrieve the corresponding value, while the second one uses a generic Func<T, TResult> delegate to get...
    September 13, 2011
  • Mobile

    RadChart for Windows Phone – going to the pole

      Q2 2011 was the first official release of RadChart for Windows Phone – first class charting solution offering unbeatable performance and feature richness. Having the chart officially out however does not mean that we will put less effort in enriching it with new functionality. On the contrary – we have plans to push hard in order to make RadChart the richest charting component on the market. Today we are releasing an update to our RadControls for Windows Phone, which targets the new Mango update from Microsoft, and we are happy to announce the new RadPolarChart and the three polar series – Point, Line...
    August 18, 2011