Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Testing

    Why Exploratory Testing Should Be Part of Your Process

    Exploratory testing is a structured process of investigating an application by learning and understanding its use, features, and operation in a series of logically constructed but ad hoc tests.  By itself, exploratory testing can be useful, but when combined with other testing practices, it can be a powerful way to better understand the application, build more and better functional tests, and ultimately increase product quality. Exploratory testing can take many forms.  A tester might methodically execute a series of transactions as a user might do, recording the results and looking for discrepancies or inconsistencies.  Or the tester might perform a ...
    August 06, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    Automation Device Price Drop

    We've made it even easier to sync your projects, tests, and results among teammates and across devices. Each automation device is now just $9 per month! Add devices in any quantity with our à la carte pricing method: there's no minimum requirement. Our premium syncing feature is the best way to share testing data. Ensure each device has the latest updates to your projects and view results in our Web Portal. See our pricing page for more information and start syncing today!
    August 06, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    Dogfooding Isn’t Just For Posers

    Here’s something you may not have realized: Test Studio makes great use of other Telerik products as part of our product and development cycle. We’re serious about dogfooding other Telerik products! Kicking It Up a Notch to HTML5 Have you seen our new recorder which runs in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome? The new toolbars and context menu are straight from the KendoUI control suite!
    August 05, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    Ten Things You'll Love About Test Studio

    Greetings, fellow testers. I was thinking about Test Studio and especially about the upcoming release, and I realized there are a lot of really great features. Some of them are new or improved, some are things that have been there in Test Studio for quite a while already. The thing is, it's possible that you may not even be aware that some of these features exist. So... in an attempt to correct that, here are Ten Things You'll Love About Test Studio. Peace, Steven
    August 05, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    Avoid Extra Grey Hair! Use Careful Test Design

    I often joke that one half of the grey in my beard is from being the at-home-parent for our two children from birth through my oldest’s teen years, one half is from my age, and one half is from all the hard lessons I’ve learned over a few decades worth of being in the software industry. Yes, that adds up to three halves. Its supposed to. I’m a tester so errors in math are an ironic juxtaposition of… Oh, nevermind. It’s taken me a long time, but I finally learned to be very careful about how I design my automated ...
    August 02, 2013