Telerik blogs

If you have a need for calendaring capabilities in your WPF application, look no further.  The RadScheduler brings you a number of capabilities with minimal effort.  I am going to discuss some of the core features that you get with the RadScheduler for WPF without implementing any code.  I thought a quick preview of what the control offers out of the box, might give you some ideas of how you leverage it in your applications.  To get started create a new WPF application and drop a RadScheduler onto the Window.

<Window x:Class="WPFRadSchedule.Window1" 
    Title="Window1" Height="600" Width="800  
        " xmlns:telerik="">  
        <telerik:RadScheduler Margin="12" Name="radScheduler1" /> 

The XAML above is a preview of what I am running for my example.  When you run the application it should resemble the screenshot below.


As you can see the RadCalendar defaults to the Month view and scales nicely to the size of the form.  There are a few quick navigation shortcuts available by default to reach the alternate Day and Month view.


The Day and Month views are shown below.

image image

If you double-click on the RadScheduler the appointment dialog will be displayed.  The appointment dialog will be in context of the view you are in.  So if you were in Day view and double clicked at 11 a.m. the appointment will be defaulted accordingly. The appointment dialog features the core information for any appointment, including the "All day event" option, which will hide the time pickers when set to True. 


In addition to the appointment dialog, the recurrence dialog provides options to cover any scenario that might come up. 


Of course, you can add appointments just as easily through code (as shown below). 

var appointment = new Telerik.Windows.Controls.Scheduler.Appointment();  
appointment.Body = "This is the body of the appointment.";  
appointment.Start = new DateTime(2009,02, 01);  
appointment.End = appointment.Start.AddHours(1);  
appointment.Subject = "Demonstrate appointment";  
appointment.IsAllDayEvent = false;   

Don't forget that the RadScheduler works with the Telerik themes as well, allowing consistency across your application.  You can customize the control as well.



As you can see, the RadScheduler has a lot to offer before you get into the code behind.  If you are looking for a calendaring solution, I hope you will give it a look.


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