Telerik blogs
Before we step to the actual integration, there are few requirements that need to be met.

I assume that you have successfully completed the above three tasks.

1. Go to where you have installed Microsoft Expression Media Encoder. Then navigate to the Templates folder. Usually this is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Expression\Media Encoder 1.0\Templates\en\

2. Create a copy of any of the folders (E.g. "Pilot") and rename it to Telerik

3. Replace Default.html, player.xaml, preview.jpg from the newly created "Telerik" folder with the three files from the archive.

4. Open Microsoft Expression Media Encoder and import a video of your choice

5. Choose "Telerik" theme from the Template drop down menu.

6. Encode your movie by clicking the Encode button

7. When done finished encoding, Microsoft Expression Media Encoder will automatically give you a preview of the media player.


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