Telerik blogs

I have been using Visual Studio 2013 since the preview was released at the 2013 Build Conference in June, and have been really impressed with the new features in it for web developers.  Some amazing features will change the way developers approach their ASP.NET projects. I decided it would be a great idea to put together a whitepaper describing what makes these features so cool.

If you’re a new ASP.NET developer and you are confused with all of the options to get started, don’t worry… Microsoft has cleaned up that problem by introducing the One ASP.NET project model and delivered a new “Getting Started” readme file to start you off with some common web project tasks.

Upgrade to Visual Studio 2013 and start winning!

There are productivity enhancements for you now, with simplified security configuration and a new scaffolding tool to automate the construction of ASP.NET controllers, views, and APIs.  Visual Studio now supports the Git distributed source control system.  You can freely commit, push and pull from Visual Studio without leaving the friendly confines of your JavaScript editor.

When you’ve completed that awesome new website, there’s now an integrated Windows Azure management panel.  You will be at ease with how you can now configure and push your code to Azure without any headaches.  All of this can be accomplished now without leaving Visual Studio

In the whitepaper I cover these topics ,as well as:

  • Browser Link – a better design view
  • Bootstrap Templates – how to get started building an adaptive web application
  • CodeLens – integrated insight into your code, alongside your code!

If you’re stuck on an older version of Visual Studio, and can’t decide if this upgrade is right for you, you’ve got to check out the whitepaper today and learn about these awesome features.  I’ve written each section to include a base set of information about each feature, with screenshots and directions to get you pointed in the right direction to succeed immediately with this new Visual Studio.

Download this whitepaper now and learn about all of these items and more including:

  • How do I get started with a One ASP.NET project, and what is the business value to me?
  • What has Microsoft done to make security in my web applications easier to configure?
  • What does Visual Studio have available to support HTML5 development?

Are you excited to get started?  Here’s a download link to get you started the right way:

10 Game-changing Features in Visual Studio 2013 for the ASP.NET Developer

I have been very happy with this new version of Visual Studio, and after reading about the new features, I hope you try it.  I know you will see your web projects in a new way, and start building your web applications smarter and faster.

I would love to hear your feedback about Visual Studio 2013 and this whitepaper.  Is there a feature that you think deserves more attention?  Let me know in the comments below.

Download your copy today!

About the Author

Jeffrey T. Fritz

Jeffrey T. Fritz is a Microsoft MVP in ASP.Net and an ASPInsider with more than a decade of experience writing and delivering large scale multi-tenant web applications. After building applications with ASP, ASP.NET and now ASP.NET MVC, he is crazy about building web sites for all sizes on any device. You can read more from Jeffrey on his personal blog or on Twitter at @csharpfritz. Google Profile


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