
TreeLists allow users to view and manipulate large amounts of hierarchical data presented as a table.

TreeList Overview

The TreeList component organizes hierarchical data in a tabular format, allowing users to navigate and interact with nested information efficiently. It represents parent-child relationships through expandable nodes that reveal or hide subordinate items. With features such as sorting, filtering, resizing, and pagination, TreeLists provide a user-friendly way to manage and visualize hierarchical data sets.

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The anatomy of the TreeList summarizes the elements of the component:

  1. Toolbar
  2. TreeList
  3. Pager
  4. Sorted column
  5. Column menu
  6. Grid header
  7. Filter row
  8. TreeList alternate row
  9. TreeList row
  10. Group aggregate footer
  11. Checkbox row selection

Framework-Specific Documentation

For specific information about the component, refer to its official product documentation: