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Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX

What's New R3 2022

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Floating Action Button

With R3 2022, we’ve shipped a new ASP.NET AJAX Floating Action Button (FAB). It presents the user with аprimary action on a screen by appearing in front of all other content. The FAB can operate as a single-action button that executes the primary action once users click the floating action button. The component can also serve as a container for multiple actions and, when clicked, it expands those nested actions.   

Floating Action Button in Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX


We have updated our existing Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) for Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX to follow the latest version and include the latest accessibility improvements that have been made to our UI components. The VPAT report is available upon request via Telerik technical support.


Accessibility Improvements in Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX

With R3 2022, we’ve focused on further improving the components accessibility compliance levels and documentation. We’ve implemented 30+ accessibility fixes and made improvements in the Calendar, ComboBox, DropDownList, Editor, FileExplorer, Input, DateInput, DatePicker, DateRangePicker, LightBox, Prompt, SearchBox, Spell, TabStrip, Window, Wizard, RadGrid, Filter, Splitter, Panelbar, Ribbonbar, MediaPlayer, Scheduler, DataPager, ProgressArea and CloudUpload. See the Accessibility Compliance page for more details.   

Accessibility Improvements in Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX

New Document Processing Libraries' (DPL) features

With R3 2022, we’ve released new features across all Document Processing libraries to support you better navigate your document formats:

New WordProcessing features:  

Page Numbering fields:  Although the field codes are supported, we have now added a functionality that allows you to update the PAGE, PAGEREF, NUMPAGES and SECTIONPAGES fields and easily calculate their result. 

See the docs for WordProcessing Page Numbering Fields

Shapes support: The shapes feature allows you to easily insert or interact with existing shapes like circles, boxes, arrows and many others directly in your documents. You can style the inserted shapes by using gradient fills and various patterns outlines, as well as change the size of the shapes and rotate them. 

See the docs for WordProcessing Shapes support

New in SpreadProcessing: Repeat specific rows or columns on every printed page: This feature allows you to specify a row or a column that will be repeated on every printed page.  

See the docs for SpreadProcessing: Repeat specific rows or columns on every printed page

New in PdfProcessing: PdfProcessing Signature flags support: With this new functionality, you can specify that there is a signature, even if the signature itself does not have a visual representation.

Export PDF pages to images: We have added the ability to convert the pages of a .pdf document to images. This feature will work with the .NET Standard version and does not depend on any Windows libraries. 

See the docs for PDFProcessing: Export PDF pages to images

New in SpreadStreamProcessing: SpreadStreamProcessing import: This functionality allows you to read large XLSX or CSV files without loading the entire document in memory. This improves the memory footprint and the performance compared to the RadSpreadProcessing library. 

See the docs for SpreadStreamProcessing: SpreadStreamProcessing Import



Data Processing Libraries New Features

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