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Reporting Forum
1 answer

I am using ASP.NET WEB API ( not .Net Core ) and I try to integrate Web report designer into my ReactJs front-end
Telerik.Reporting version

I am using this Configuration

 ReportDesignerServiceConfiguration designerConfigurationInstance = new ReportDesignerServiceConfiguration
     DefinitionStorage = new FileDefinitionStorage(reportsPath),
     SettingsStorage = fs,

     SharedDataSourceStorage = new FileSharedDataSourceStorage(reportsSharedDSPath),


It all works when I try to create a Shared Data Source and for the first time I want to bind it to a Wizard Table but when I go to Preview it shows me an error

An error has occurred while processing Table 'table1': Cannot instantiate the referenced DataSource. Value cannot be null.Parameter name: The path to the SharedDataSource asset was null or empty.

And If I save the same report and try to reopen, it doesn't recognize the shared data source and gives me this error:

Unable to retrieve the referenced Shared Data Source for 'sDS_Test1'.

But the shared data source exists and it is in the same place, if I try to manually add it again it will work and recognize it, but again the preview won't work.

Perhaps I have to use a CustomSharedDataSourceResolver ?

CustomSharedDataSourceResolver : Data.ISharedDataSourceResolver

If yes how do I integrate it in my ASP NET project cause I don't have the appsettings.json file to add the section:

I have to use Web.config but I don't understand how to integrate it, I cannot find any documentation for ASP.NET WEB API.

"telerikReporting": {
  "processing": {
    "resourceResolver": {
      // The element below represents an implementation of a Resource resolver that uses a path provider:
      //"provider": "path",
      //"parameters": [
      //  {
      //    "name": "directory",
      //    "value": "c:\\CommonResources\\"
      //  }

      // The element below represents an implementation of a Resource resolver that uses a custom type provider:
      "provider": "custom",
      "parameters": [
          "name": "typeName",
          "value": "SqlDefinitionStorageExample.CustomResourceResolver, SqlDefinitionStorageExample"
    "sharedDataSourceResolver": {
      // The element below represents an implementation of a SharedDataSource resolver that uses a path provider:
      //"provider": "path",
      //"parameters": [
      //  {
      //    "name": "directory",
      //    "value": "c:\\CommonSharedDataSources\\"
      //  }

      // The element below represents an implementation of a SharedDataSource resolver that uses a custom type provider:
      "provider": "custom",
      "parameters": [
          "name": "typename",
          "value": "SqlDefinitionStorageExample.CustomSharedDataSourceResolver, SqlDefinitionStorageExample"

Please help me,
Telerik team
 answered on 25 Mar 2024
1 answer

This may be a dumb question, I apologize in advance.

I was tasked with updating and existing Rest service from .net 4.6.1 to .net 8.

I was going to just create a new one using your template, but it only supports up to .net 4.8.

What am I missing here?


Thank you!


Telerik team
 answered on 25 Mar 2024
1 answer

I'm using a trial version of Telerik reporting.
I designed a trdp project file and I included it in my application.
The data source is a json string that I change at runtime.

I tried to export on pdf and I get no error from the call to RenderReport, but saving the bytes of RenderingResult.DocumentBytes on a pdf file I get a unreadeable file, it is a real pdf file (I see it on hexadecimal editor) but very short.

I tried to export on csv, html, and rtf and I get a valid and  good file.

Could be a trial limitation?

Thank you


Telerik team
 answered on 25 Mar 2024
1 answer

I have a telerik report that has grouping sections based on a "Page Title"

The first page title is my Cover Page, which just contains a multi-line textbox that has its visibility set to TRUE only if the current group is the cover page

I want the textbox to be automatically centered in the page on rendering of the report without having calculate 11in-(header+footer+margins) and physically set the height of the textbox. Is this possible?

Sample attached

Telerik team
 answered on 20 Mar 2024
33 answers

I am trying to create an Invoice with columns for quantity, price and amount. It should also have a summary at the bottom of the page. The columns should have a border and stretch all the way down to the summary (see attached picture). Is there any way to say that a section should fill out the remaining space of a page?
So far I solved this by summarize the height of each section and calculate the remaining space on the page and setting the result to the height of a group footer (see the green area on the report). But this solution does not work when a textbox can grow since there seems to be no way to get the rendered height of a textbox.
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 updated answer on 20 Mar 2024
1 answer

Hello Community,

On the Native Blazor Report Viewer Overview page, it is written that the current release of the Native Blazor Report Viewer component is missing the Event Binding functionality. We have software depending on events, specifically ClientEvents. Therefore, we haven't upgraded from the Blazor Report Viewer.

In Blazor Report Viewer we were able use ClientEvents to trigger javascript / typescript:

 <ReportViewer @ref="reportViewer"
               ClientEvents="@(new ClientEventsOptions()
                     RenderingEnd = "reportViewerRenderingEnd" // JS Function
ClientEvents made it possible for us to synchronize scrolling in our GUI:

In our GUI, we have two sides. Left side contains of multiple rows of textboxes, and right side contains the report. We then use the JS "reportViewerRenderingEnd" function to synchronize both sides, using the bookmark-id. 

Anyone who knows if it is possible to synchronize the location of textboxes with the location in report viewer without using the ClientEvents on Native Blazor Report Viewer?

Thank you!
Telerik team
 answered on 18 Mar 2024
1 answer

Compare between non-delete and delete two textbox, just have value difference.

------------original report code

<TextBox Width="1in" Height="0.7cm" Left="0cm" Top="0cm" Value="=AVG(Fields.Actual_downtime_50_last)/AVG(Fields.Actual_runtime_50_last)" Format="{0:P0}" Name="textBox36" StyleName="">

<TextBox Width="1in" Height="0.609cm" Left="0cm" Top="0cm" Value="=(Fields.Actual_downtime_50_last)/&#xD;&#xA;(Fields.Actual_runtime_50_last)" Format="{0:P0}" Name="textBox37" StyleName="">

-----------after deleting value

<TextBox Width="1in" Height="0.7cm" Left="0cm" Top="0cm" Format="{0:P0}" Name="textBox36" StyleName="">

<TextBox Width="1in" Height="0.7cm" Left="0cm" Top="0cm" Format="{0:P0}" Name="textBox36" StyleName="">


I want to know how to fix this, because the final value isn't long


Telerik team
 answered on 15 Mar 2024
1 answer

In my PageHeader I can use the PageNumber function to display the PageNumber grouped by any staff like "= PageNumber('headerGroup', Fields.MyField)".
But when I try to use this Expression to Bind the Height of the PageHeaderSection, I got Null with the above Expression insteat of the expected PageNumber.

The Binding Code is like that:

Bindings.Add(new Binding("Height", "= IIF(PageNumber('headerGroup', Fields.MyField) = 1, '10cm', '4cm')"));

What am I doing wrong?

A Binding like

Bindings.Add(new Binding("Height", "= IIF(PageNumber = 1, '10cm', '4cm')"));

works well.

Thanks for your support.

Telerik team
 answered on 14 Mar 2024
1 answer


I've created the REST reporting service and that is running. I'm trying to add Web Report Designer to Blazor WASM project but running into errors I can't solve.

Is there a demo Blazor WASM project that implements the Web Report Designer?



Telerik team
 answered on 11 Mar 2024
1 answer

Hi All,

I am using the telerik reporting trial version in blazor. On the development machine everything works fine and report display.

But when i deploy to iis for testing, the report does not show.

Attached is an error from the console.

Kindly help.

Thank you

Telerik team
 answered on 08 Mar 2024
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