rendering html fragaments in a PDF

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Edo asked on 26 Apr 2023, 09:26 AM | edited on 26 Apr 2023, 11:15 AM


We have an existing extensive report created with a RadFixedDocument for saving as pdf. We would like to allow users to add content from multiple TelerikEditors to the report, as comments. The TelerikEditor exports html. I have seen this post:

Is there any other way to add HTML snippets in a PDF report, or should we rewrite the entire report as a RadFlowDocument?  Is there an other way to convert some basic HTML to elements we can use on Block.




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answered on 26 Apr 2023, 10:59 AM

Hello Edo,

Currently, the options provided in the shared post remain the most optimal. One additional approach I can add is converting HTML to PDF and then merging the result document with the main PDF file.

HtmlFormatProvider htmlFormatProvider= new HtmlFormatProvider();
PdfFormatProvider pdfFormatProvider = new PdfFormatProvider();

RadFixedDocument initialPdfDocument = new RadFixedDocument();

RadFlowDocument htmlContent = htmlFormatProvider.Import(html);
RadFixedDocument htmlPdf = pdfFormatProvider.ExportToFixedDocument(htmlContent);


And in case you decide to take the RadFlowDocumentt approach, HTML snippets can be converted to a document and then imported as elements of another RadFlowDocument by utilizing the DocumentElementImporter. Here are some additional articles that can give you more details in case you decide to take that route:

Hope this helps.

Regards, Yoan Progress Telerik

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