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Radial Menu from a grid

3 Answers 57 Views
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Sajad asked on 29 Oct 2019, 11:03 AM

Hi all

I have been looking for an example of how to open a radial menu as a context menu from a Telerik RadDataGrid but cannot seem to find one.

Does anybody have one?


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Telerik team
answered on 30 Oct 2019, 12:37 PM

Hi Sajad,

In general RadRadialMenu can be used as a context menu of another framework element, the approach is described here: RadRadialMenu as a Context Menu.

As you're referring to RadDataGrid, can you elaborate a little bit on the exact scenario? What would be the relation between the context menu and the DataGrid control?

I am looking forward to your reply.

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answered on 30 Oct 2019, 01:19 PM

Hi Yana

Thank-you for your reply. I would like the RadialMenu to appear when selecting a particular row in the DataGrid and then have the option to add, edit, delete etc. I hope that is clear.  

Telerik team
answered on 31 Oct 2019, 01:03 PM

Hi Sajad,

What I would suggest is to add one TemplatedColumn to the DataGrid with a Button and attached to it RadialMenu as a context menu. In addition, you can create a custom trigger behavior and show/hide the menu on a button click event.

I have attached a quick sample to demonstrate the approach. I hope it will help you get started with the implementation.

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