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Not able to build for ARM

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Bart asked on 14 Feb 2020, 01:25 PM


I have developed a UWP app which is working fine on my computer (x86 Architecture). The application should be run on a Raspberry PI3. I have moved from the the standard datagrid to using the RadDataGrid.

When I now want to build my app against the ARM architecture I get an error message: 'DataGridxxxx is not a member of xxxxControl'.

Is Telerik UI for UWP compatible with ARM? If not I need to revert to using the standard datagrid.

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Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
answered on 14 Feb 2020, 04:40 PM

Hi Bart,

UI for UWP supports ARM. I wrote you a quick example that you can try on your side, find it attached (it uses a RadDataGrid on MainPage).

Here's the summary build output when targeting "ARM - Remote Device" (a Raspberry Pi 3B on my network):

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: App1, Configuration: Debug ARM ------


1>Build succeeded.
1>    0 Warning(s)
1>    0 Error(s)
1>Time Elapsed 00:00:11.26
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========


Coincidentally, yesterday I just open sourced a project that uses UI for UWP on a Raspberry Pi, you can find the explanation and link to GitHub here.

Issue Ideas

I have a couple of initial ideas about what you're experiencing:

1. Out of Date Bin/Obj (most probable)

If you made code changes (or changed from x86 to ARM without Rebuilding) and immediately clicked the "Start Debugging" button to see the error, it's likely the project cache could be out of date

This is a very common problem that has a simple fix. Take the following steps. Try the 1st test as it's the quickest way to rebuild the bin/obj, if that doesn't work then try the 2nd one.

First Test:

  1. Make sure the target is set to ARM
  2. Select VS toolbar > Build > Clean Solution
  3. Select VS toolbar > Build > Rebuild Solution
  4. Now try to start debugging again.

Second Test:

  1. Close Visual Studio
  2. Navigate to the project folder in File Explorer
  3. Permanently delete the project's bin and obj folders
  4. Open the project in Visual Studio again
  5. Set the target to ARM and do a Rebuild

Because you removed the bin and obj folders, there's no cached XAML files (which don't have the RadDataGrid defined) being used for the build. So you're essentially forcing Visual Studio to build the project using the latest version of the project files.

2. 18362 SDK Bug

If you're targeting SDK 18362, there is a known issue in the Microsoft SDK that unintentionally strips out external controls. You can also quickly test this by changing the target SDK to 17763, then do a clean & rebuild.

I have written a blog post on the topic that explains the issue and how to fix it: 

Note that even though the specific error and control in question isn't exactly like yours, the underlying problem and solution is the same; you need to add an xmlns namespace for the 3rd party control's dependent namespace(s).

Further Investigation

If none of my suggestions help, then we need to take a closer look at things with your project. To investigate further with your specific error, we'll need a way to review the error.

Option 1:

Please reply back with the following information

  • Which Raspberry Pi version are you using (3B or 3B+?)
  • Which version of Windows IoT is installed?
  • What is the min and target SDK of the project?
  • What version of UI for UWP are you using? It is a NuGet package or Extension SDK
  • The code for the view(s) so we can replicate the issue.

Option 2 (fastest way to a fix):

If you're able to just put your code into my attached demo and it replicates the problem, send that back to me I can investigate directly. This will also allow me to get the development team involved, if necessary.

Note: Because this is a forum post, you cannot attach a ZIP file. I can change it to a private ticket (to keep your code private), or you could zip up the project on OneDrive/DropBox/etc and share a link with us (which can be deleted later).

Once I get your reply, either I or Nasko (UWP team dev) will investigate further.

Lance | Team Lead - US DevTools Support
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answered on 17 Feb 2020, 12:40 PM

Hi Lance,

thanks for the quick answer.

Cleaning the bin and obj folder did the trick.



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Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
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