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HTMLControls Click only clicks the first button

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Mexi asked on 07 Jan 2019, 09:08 PM

Hi there,

I'm having problem clicking a button. This website is using Kendo UI so I was wondering if that makes it different for testing.


After I select a file to upload, there is a remove button displaying right next to the file.(Please see removebutton in attachment for more details.) I want to click the submit button after uploading a file but I can't. (Please see buttons to see both buttons) It always clicks the remove button unless I don't select a file, which means only when there's no remove button.  


Here is my code and it should select a file from my computer and click the SubmitButton to submit this file. 

            HtmlButton submitButton = manager.ActiveBrowser.Find.ById<HtmlButton>("SubmitButton");
            HtmlInputFile selectFile = manager.ActiveBrowser.Find.ByAttributes<HtmlInputFile>("type=file");
            FileUploadDialog uploadDialog = new FileUploadDialog(manager.ActiveBrowser, @"myfilepath", 
                DialogButton.OPEN,"Select files");





I've also included a screenshot of the html of the buttons. Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you! 

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answered on 08 Jan 2019, 06:18 PM

Never mind. I moved the  HtmlButton submitButton = manager.ActiveBrowser.Find.ById<HtmlButton>("SubmitButton"); before clicking the button...and it works fine now. 

Telerik team
answered on 10 Jan 2019, 04:30 PM
Hello Mexi,

Thank you for contacting us. I am glad to know you managed to solve the issue on your end. 

However, while looking into your initial query I noticed there is something incorrect in the sequence of actions in the code. This is when the DialogMonitor is being started - this should be before the event which triggers the dialog in question. So the correct sequence should be: 


Please also find a sample of the Upload dialog handler in code which you can use for further reference. 

I hope there are no further issues, though if you need further assistance, please let us know. 

Elena Tsvetkova
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