horizzontal scroll in kendo grid with multiselection drag enabled

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Drag and Drop Grid MultiSelect
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GIUSEPPE asked on 14 Mar 2024, 06:50 PM



I have a kendo grid with many columns and virtualcolumns set to true. I would like to know how to have the horizzontal scroll working while selecting cells with drag enable in order to select cells that are outside of the portion of grid visible in the screen. I've noticed that if I set drag to false the scroll works but then I'm not able to select multiple cells with the mouse. Thanks

Telerik team
commented on 19 Mar 2024, 01:23 PM

Hi Giuseppe,

Thank you very much for the details provided.

I am afraid that as of now there is no built-in approach in our API that would allow the developer to programmatically scroll the Kendo UI for Angular Grid during drag selection.

Having discussed the matter with our team, we believe that such a feature would be a valuable enhancement to the component. For this reason, I logged a feature request in our Feedback Portal on your behalf: 


This would allow us to track the customer demand for such a feature and once its popularity increases (gathers votes), our development team will consider its implementation. It is important to mention that I upvoted the feature request on your behalf. 

Please, let me know if I can further assist you with this case.

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