(ASP.NET Core) Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Package Conflict when migrating to .NET8

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FMS asked on 20 Dec 2023, 01:57 PM
Good day Telerik Community.

Just recently our team started migrating most of our products to .NET 8 to align ourselves with the new release. However, when installing the updated Microsoft packages (or when trying to update ourselves to the new releases of Telerik), there seems to be a package conflict between Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools and Telerik's UI For Asp.Net Core. Both packages use Microsoft.CodeAnalysis (the latter internally) but with different versions (4.5.0 or higher and 4.4.0 respectively).

Here's the error:
NU1107: Version conflict detected for Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces. Install/reference Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces 4.5.0 directly to project projectname to resolve this issue. 

Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools 8.0.0 -> Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design 8.0.0 -> Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces (>= 4.5.0) 

Telerik.UI.for.AspNet.Core 2023.3.1129-Internal -> Microsoft.CodeAnalysis 4.4.0 -> Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces (= 4.4.0).

Both Telerik's latest releases (2023.3.1010 and
2023.3.1114) do not address or resolve this issue, and i didn't see a lot of post regarding it either (I've only found one single post. I'm linking it below for those interested)
Since that post's last message is dated more than a month ago, i'm asking if a solution was actually found or we just have to wait for the next stable release from Telerik (we've also tried using even the pre-release version, but nothing changed)
.Net 8 compatibility in UI for ASP.NET Core | Telerik Forums
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commented on 21 Dec 2023, 03:41 PM

I have the same problem!

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answered on 25 Dec 2023, 07:22 AM


We are currently in the process of considering whether we can proceed with an effort of bumping the "CodeAnalysis" dependency on our side. To give you more context, we have stalled this endeavor since we are still yet to offer support for prior .NET Core incarnations. Which inevitably requires a prior version of the dependency.

More on this topic has been discussed in the following forum post which you might find more insightful, as it gives a more comprehensive justification as to why we have not yet proceeded with the migrations of the "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis" dependency:

I hope this information helps.

Kind Regards,
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