
Grid Auto Flow

The Telerik and Kendo Grid UI Auto Flow Utilities are CSS utility classes that enable you to control the automatic placement of the grid items in a container.

Utility ClassCSS Property
.k-grid-flow-rowgrid-auto-flow: row;
.k-grid-flow-columngrid-auto-flow: column;
.k-grid-flow-densegrid-auto-flow: dense;
.k-grid-flow-row-densegrid-auto-flow: row dense;
.k-grid-flow-col-densegrid-auto-flow: col dense;
.k-grid-flow-unsetgrid-auto-flow: unset;


Use the k-grid-flow-row utility to place the items by filling each row in turn.


Use the k-grid-flow-column utility to place the items by filling each column in turn.


Use the k-grid-flow-dense utility to place the items by filling all holes in the grid when possible.