
Backdrop Blur

Telerik and Kendo UI Backdrop Blur Utilities are CSS classes that enable you to control the bounding box of the element's background.

Utility ClassCSS Property
.k-backdrop-blurbackdrop-filter: blur(8px);
.k-backdrop-blur-nonebackdrop-filter: blur(0);
.k-backdrop-blur-smbackdrop-filter: blur(4px);
.k-backdrop-blur-mdbackdrop-filter: blur(6px);
.k-backdrop-blur-lgbackdrop-filter: blur(12px);

Applying a Backdrop Blur

Use the k-backdrop-blur, k-backdrop-blur-sm, k-backdrop-blur-md, k-backdrop-blur-lg to apply different levels of backdrop blur to the element.

Removing the Backdrop Blur

Use the k-backdrop-blur-none to remove all backdrop blur filters from an element.