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How to Configure Size of Rotator with Buttons

This help article illustrates how to properly configure the size of a rotator with buttons so that the items are not cut or misaligned on initial showing or during animiation playing.

Configure Rotator with Buttons

To configure a rotator with buttons, you should do the following:

  • Define the proper dimensions for the rotator, its items and item template as per the RadRotator Dimensions Configuration article.
  • Determine the size of the buttons and just add it to the rotator's width/height.

For example, if we want to show four items (100x100 pixels) in a horizontal rotator with buttons for the black skin with Lightweight render mode, we can follow the steps below:

  1. Set the single item's dimensions - ItemWidth="100" ItemHeight="100".
  2. Set the item template dimensions - .itemTemplate {width: 100px; height: 100px;}.
  3. Inspect the size of a single button - 30x30.


  4. Calculate and set the rotator's width - (4 items * 100) + 2 buttons * 30 = 400 + 60 = 460px.

All of the explained logic stays the same if the ScrollDirection="Up, Down" is set, but it should be applied to the Height and ItemHeight properties, respectively.

Figure 1: A snapshot of a rotator with buttons that has 4 items. The code that creates it is available in Example 1.


Example 1: Configure rotator with button that will have 4 items.

<style type="text/css">
    body {
        font-size: 14px;

    .itemTemplate {
        width: 100px;
        height: 100px;
<telerik:RadRotator ID="RadRotator1" runat="server" Width="460" ItemWidth="100" Height="100" RotatorType="Buttons" RenderMode="Lightweight" Skin="Black"
    ItemHeight="100" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" FrameDuration="1000">
        <asp:Image CssClass="itemTemplate" ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl='<%# Eval("CustomerID", "~/Img/Northwind/Customers/{0}.jpg") %>'
            AlternateText="IMAGE" />

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString %>"
    SelectCommand="SELECT [CustomerID] FROM [Customers]"></asp:SqlDataSource>

You can find the list of the button sizes for the different skins in Classic and Lightweight render mode in List 1 and List 2. The base is 14px font-size.

List 1: RadRotator button sizes for all the skins with "Lightweight" render mode.

  • Bootstrap - 34px
  • Material - 38px
  • The rest of the skins - 30px

List 2: RadRotator button sizes for all the skins with "Classic" render mode.

  • Glow, Silk, MetroTouch, BlackMetroTouch - 28px
  • Bootstrap - 34px
  • The rest of the skins - 20px

Example (RadRotatorSizeConfigurator Class Implementation)

In the example below you can see a helper class (i.e., RadRotatorSizeConfigurator) that automatically calculates and sets the rotator's width based on the desired number of items, the set skin and render mode. The class accepts three parameters: the instance of the rotator, the number of the visible items in the view port and the skin (optional).

Example 2: Configure rotator with buttons that has 4 items (100px x 100px) per view. The method that calculates the actual width is shown in Example 3.

    <style type="text/css">
        body {
            font-size: 14px;

        .itemTemplate {
            width: 100px;
            height: 100px;
<telerik:RadRotator ID="RadRotator1" runat="server" ItemWidth="100" Height="100" RotatorType="Buttons" RenderMode="Lightweight" Skin="Black"
    ItemHeight="100"  DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" FrameDuration="1000">
        <asp:Image CssClass="itemTemplate" ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl='<%# Eval("CustomerID", "~/Img/Northwind/Customers/{0}.jpg") %>'
            AlternateText="IMAGE" />

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString %>"
    SelectCommand="SELECT [CustomerID] FROM [Customers]"></asp:SqlDataSource>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadRotatorSizeConfigurator.ConfigureSize(RadRotator1, 4);
Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    RadRotatorSizeConfigurator.ConfigureSize(RadRotator1, 4)
End Sub

Example 3: The implementation of the RadRotatorSizeConfigurator class that determines and sets the actual size of the rotator for the particular skin.

public static class RadRotatorSizeConfigurator
    const int classicButtonStandardSize = 20;
    const int liteButtonStandardSize = 30;

    static Dictionary<string, int> largeButtonsSkins = new Dictionary<string, int>()
        { "Glow", 28 },
        { "Silk", 28 },
        { "MetroTouch", 28 },
        { "BlackMetroTouch", 28 },
        { "Bootstrap", 34 },
        { "LiteBootstrap", 34 },
        { "LiteMaterial", 38 }
    static RotatorType[] buttonModes = { RotatorType.Buttons, RotatorType.ButtonsOver, RotatorType.SlideShowButtons, RotatorType.CarouselButtons };
    static RotatorType[] animationModes = { RotatorType.Carousel, RotatorType.CarouselButtons, RotatorType.CoverFlow, RotatorType.CoverFlowButtons };

    public static void ConfigureSize(RadRotator rotator, int itemsPerView)
        ConfigureSize(rotator, itemsPerView, GetCurrentSkin());

    public static void ConfigureSize(RadRotator rotator, int itemsPerView, string selectedSkin)
        if (Array.IndexOf(animationModes, rotator.RotatorType) != -1) return;

        int buttonsSize = GetButtonsSize(rotator, selectedSkin);

        bool isHorizontal = (rotator.ScrollDirection == (RotatorScrollDirection.Left | RotatorScrollDirection.Right) ||
                    rotator.ScrollDirection == RotatorScrollDirection.Right ||
                    rotator.ScrollDirection == RotatorScrollDirection.Left);

        if (isHorizontal)
            rotator.Width = Unit.Pixel(Convert.ToInt32(rotator.ItemWidth.Value) * itemsPerView + buttonsSize);
            rotator.Height = rotator.ItemHeight;
            rotator.Height = Unit.Pixel(Convert.ToInt32(rotator.ItemHeight.Value) * itemsPerView + buttonsSize);
            rotator.Width = rotator.ItemWidth;

    public static int GetButtonsSize(RadRotator rotator)
        return GetButtonsSize(rotator, GetCurrentSkin());

    public static int GetButtonsSize(RadRotator rotator, string selectedSkin)
        int buttonStandardSize;
        if (rotator.ResolvedRenderMode == RenderMode.Lightweight) 
            selectedSkin = "Lite" + selectedSkin;
            buttonStandardSize = liteButtonStandardSize;
            buttonStandardSize = classicButtonStandardSize;

        int buttonSize = (!largeButtonsSkins.ContainsKey(selectedSkin)) ? buttonStandardSize : largeButtonsSkins[selectedSkin];
        int buttonsCount = 1;
        if (Array.IndexOf(buttonModes, rotator.RotatorType) == -1)
            buttonsCount = 0;
        else if (rotator.ScrollDirection == (RotatorScrollDirection.Left | RotatorScrollDirection.Right) ||
                 rotator.ScrollDirection == (RotatorScrollDirection.Down | RotatorScrollDirection.Up))
            buttonsCount = 2;

        return buttonSize * buttonsCount;

    private static string GetCurrentSkin()
        return (string)((((Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler).FindControl("RadRotator1") as RadRotator).Skin ?? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Telerik.Skin"]);
Public NotInheritable Class RadRotatorSizeConfigurator
    Private Sub New()
    End Sub
    Const classicButtonStandardSize As Integer = 20
    Const liteButtonStandardSize As Integer = 30

    Shared largeButtonsSkins As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)() From { _
        {"Glow", 28}, _
        {"Silk", 28}, _
        {"MetroTouch", 28}, _
        {"BlackMetroTouch", 28}, _
        {"Bootstrap", 34}, _
        {"LiteBootstrap", 34}, _
        {"LiteMaterial", 38} _
    Shared buttonModes As RotatorType() = {RotatorType.Buttons, RotatorType.ButtonsOver, RotatorType.SlideShowButtons, RotatorType.CarouselButtons}
    Shared animationModes As RotatorType() = {RotatorType.Carousel, RotatorType.CarouselButtons, RotatorType.CoverFlow, RotatorType.CoverFlowButtons}

    Public Shared Sub ConfigureSize(rotator As RadRotator, itemsPerView As Integer)
        ConfigureSize(rotator, itemsPerView, GetCurrentSkin())
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub ConfigureSize(rotator As RadRotator, itemsPerView As Integer, selectedSkin As String)
        If Array.IndexOf(animationModes, rotator.RotatorType) <> -1 Then
        End If

        Dim buttonsSize As Integer = GetButtonsSize(rotator, selectedSkin)

        Dim isHorizontal As Boolean = (rotator.ScrollDirection = (RotatorScrollDirection.Left Or RotatorScrollDirection.Right) OrElse rotator.ScrollDirection = RotatorScrollDirection.Right OrElse rotator.ScrollDirection = RotatorScrollDirection.Left)

        If isHorizontal Then
            rotator.Width = Unit.Pixel(Convert.ToInt32(rotator.ItemWidth.Value) * itemsPerView + buttonsSize)
            rotator.Height = rotator.ItemHeight
            rotator.Height = Unit.Pixel(Convert.ToInt32(rotator.ItemHeight.Value) * itemsPerView + buttonsSize)
            rotator.Width = rotator.ItemWidth
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Shared Function GetButtonsSize(rotator As RadRotator) As Integer
        Return GetButtonsSize(rotator, GetCurrentSkin())
    End Function

    Public Shared Function GetButtonsSize(rotator As RadRotator, selectedSkin As String) As Integer
        Dim buttonStandardSize As Integer
        If rotator.ResolvedRenderMode = RenderMode.Lightweight Then
            selectedSkin = "Lite" & selectedSkin
            buttonStandardSize = liteButtonStandardSize
            buttonStandardSize = classicButtonStandardSize
        End If

        Dim buttonSize As Integer = If((Not largeButtonsSkins.ContainsKey(selectedSkin)), buttonStandardSize, largeButtonsSkins(selectedSkin))
        Dim buttonsCount As Integer = 1
        If Array.IndexOf(buttonModes, rotator.RotatorType) = -1 Then
            buttonsCount = 0
        ElseIf rotator.ScrollDirection = (RotatorScrollDirection.Left Or RotatorScrollDirection.Right) OrElse rotator.ScrollDirection = (RotatorScrollDirection.Down Or RotatorScrollDirection.Up) Then
            buttonsCount = 2
        End If

        Return buttonSize * buttonsCount
    End Function

    Private Shared Function GetCurrentSkin() As String
        Return DirectCast(If(TryCast(DirectCast(HttpContext.Current.Handler, Page).FindControl("RadRotator1"), RadRotator).Skin, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("Telerik.Skin")), String)
    End Function
End Class

See Also

In this article