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Remove the "Delete" and "Upload" commands from the RadFileExplorer


Remove command(s) from the toolbar and context menus in the RadFiileExplorer control.


The example is about removing the "Delete" and "Upload" commands, but the same approach can be applied for any of the remaining commands.


First we need to get reference to all of the objects that contain the "Delete" and "Upload" commands, and then remove the commands. The embedded into RadFileExplorer controls that need to be affected are : RadToolBar, RadTreeView's context menu, RadGrid's context menu. This can be done as follows :

  • RadToolBar - RadFileExplorer1.ToolBar
  • RadtreeView's context menu - RadFileExplorer1.TreeView.ContextMenu[0]. The RadToolBarItemCollection contains only one context menu and we get reference to that one.
  • RadGrid's context menu - RadFileExplorer1.GridContextMenu

Then we can use the following approach in order to remove the commands :

        RadToolBar toolBar = fileExplorer.ToolBar;
// Remove commands from the ToolBar control;
i = 0;
while (i < toolBar.Items.Count)
if (toolBar.Items[i].Value == "Delete")
continue;// Next item
        else if (toolBar.Items[i].Value == "Upload")  
            continue; // Next item  

        i++;// Next item  

        Dim toolBar As RadToolBar = fileExplorer.ToolBar
' Remove commands from the ToolBar control;
i = 0
While i < toolBar.Items.Count
If toolBar.Items(i).Value = "Delete" Then toolBar.Items.RemoveAt(i)
' Next item
Continue While
        ElseIf toolBar.Items(i).Value = "Upload" Then 
            ' Next item  
            Continue While 
        End If 

        ' Next item  
        i += 1  
    End While 

The same approach can be applied to the RadTreeView's context menu and RadGrid's context menu.
Please do not forget to use the continue statement in case that an item is deleted. The statement is used in order to avoid an error like : "Index was out of range...".

Here is the complete solution

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Telerik.Web.UI;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { RemoveUploadAndDelete(this.RadFileExplorer1); }

private void RemoveUploadAndDelete(RadFileExplorer fileExplorer)
    int i;// Global variable for that function 

    RadToolBar toolBar = fileExplorer.ToolBar;
    // Remove commands from the ToolBar control;
    i = 0;
    while (i &lt; toolBar.Items.Count)
        if (toolBar.Items[i].Value == "Delete")
            continue;// Next item

        else if (toolBar.Items[i].Value == "Upload")
            continue; // Next item

        i++;// Next item

    RadContextMenu treeViewContextMenu = fileExplorer.TreeView.ContextMenus[0];
    // Remove commands from the TreeView's ContextMenus control;
    i = 0;
    while (i &lt; treeViewContextMenu.Items.Count)
        if (treeViewContextMenu.Items[i].Value == "Delete")
            continue;// Next item

        else if (treeViewContextMenu.Items[i].Value == "Upload")
            continue;// Next item

        i++;// Next item

    RadContextMenu gridContextMenu = fileExplorer.GridContextMenu;
    // Remove commands from the GridContextMenu control;

    i = 0;
    while (i &lt; gridContextMenu.Items.Count)
        if (gridContextMenu.Items[i].Value == "Delete")
            continue;// Next item

        else if (gridContextMenu.Items[i].Value == "Upload")
            continue;// Next item

        i++;// Next item


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