Custom File Manager Dialog

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  1. 842BF4F2-6F53-4DA0-8C80-03D063E20415
    842BF4F2-6F53-4DA0-8C80-03D063E20415 avatar
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    Posted 07 Sep 2007 Link to this post


    RadControls version

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    .NET 2.0    

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    Visual Studio 2005

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    browser support

    Tested on IE 7.0 / Opera 9.23/ FF 2.0

    I am developing a website where I need to allow editors to add an article to the website. For that reason, I used radeditor to be able to edit/add a new article.
    Articles might have accompanying sample code. I searched the radeditor and couldn't find a dialog that allows users to upload a file and have a link to it in the text inside the raeditor. That is why, I decided to build a new custom dialog which allows users to upload files, browse existing files each in his/her directory.
    For instance, I will have in my website a base folder to store all files, ~/Uploads/Files, and each user will have his/her folder to store files that they own, ~/Uploads/Files/bhaidar.
    This way, while writing an article, adding a link to download the code accompanying the article will be an implicit thing to do for the editors!

    Download the code for this new File Manager Dialog and if you have any questions, please do email me at:

    Hope you like my custom dialog for raeditor!
  2. DF60784D-55A5-4263-9F10-A12FA48C9ADC
    DF60784D-55A5-4263-9F10-A12FA48C9ADC avatar
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    Posted 07 Sep 2007 Link to this post

    Hi Bilal,

    Thank you very much for the provided solution. This is a nice example which demonstrates how to create a custom file upload dialog.

    Just for your information, RadEditor already offers a similar File Browser tool named "Documents manager." You can launch it by pressing the
    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.toolbar button. You can test this dialog here.

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    the Telerik team

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  3. 842BF4F2-6F53-4DA0-8C80-03D063E20415
    842BF4F2-6F53-4DA0-8C80-03D063E20415 avatar
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    Oct 2005

    Posted 07 Sep 2007 Link to this post

    Hi Rumen,
    I didn't know about such functionality!! That is great.

    But I want to tell you, developing a custom dialog with Telerik was a piece of cake!! And this is something great about the controls, where you can customize and add new features in a matter of few hours!!

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