Create a common base class for all Domain Classes with Code Generation Templates

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  1. 0DF06410-134C-45EF-8878-7D60E5A4B081
    0DF06410-134C-45EF-8878-7D60E5A4B081 avatar
    93 posts
    Member since:
    Jul 2007

    Posted 26 Sep 2011 Link to this post


    OpenAccess ORM version 2011.2.908.1
    .NET version 3.5+
    Visual Studio version 2010
    Programming language C# and VB


    Sample Code Generation files for creating a Domain Model in which the entities all inherit from a base class.

    It can be helpful to have all of your entities inherit from a base class in order to create some basic functionality for every entity or to write constrained generic functions.  In this code library sample, the base class does not have any content, but you can create another partial class with the same name in order to add functionality.  Do not modify the EntitiesBase.generated.[cs/vb] or it will be overwritten.

    Attached is a project with all of the code generation files needed to implement this for C#  and VB.  The code generation files are in the root folder and there are sample projects to demonstrate it.  Please note that you will need to update the location before updating the rlinq files.  To do this, open the domain model with an XML editor, find the following XML paths and update the node values (representing directories and files) to match your local ones:
    DomainModel \ ModelSettings \ CodeGenerationSettings \ OutputPath - the project folder
    DomainModel \ ModelSettings \ CodeGenerationSettings \ CustomTemplateFileName - location of the DefaultTemplate[Language].tt file
    DomainModel \ ModelSettings \ SchemaUpdateSetting \ DeploymentDirectory - the project folder

    Below are the individual functions updated in each C# template file:


    const string entitiesBaseClass = "EntitiesBase";   //change this to whatever you would like the base class to be named
    private string GetClassSignature(Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeClass codeClass)
        string[] modifierParts = new string[6];
        modifierParts[0] = codeClass.AccessModifierString;
        modifierParts[1] = codeClass.InheritanceModifierString;
        modifierParts[2] = codeClass.PartialReservedWordString;
        modifierParts[3] = codeClass.ClassReservedWordString;
        modifierParts[4] = codeClass.Name;
        modifierParts[5] = codeClass.ImplementedTypesString;
        string classSignature = string.Empty;
        if (this.generatedContext != codeClass && entitiesBaseClass != null && codeClass.Name != entitiesBaseClass)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modifierParts[5]))
                modifierParts[5] = ": " + entitiesBaseClass;
        for (int i = 0; i < modifierParts.Length; i++)
            modifierParts[i] = modifierParts[i].Trim();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modifierParts[i]))
            classSignature = string.Concat(classSignature, " ", modifierParts[i]);
        classSignature = classSignature.Trim();
        return classSignature;


    //this code is in the root of the file:
        foreach(Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeNamespace @namespace in this.codegenModel.Namespaces)
            if (@namespace.Classes != null && @namespace.Classes.Count > 0 && entitiesBaseClass != null)
                //this.Warning("Generating Base Class");
                GenerateBaseClass(@namespace, @namespace.Classes[0]);
            foreach(Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeClass @class in @namespace.Classes)
                this.GeneratePerEntityFileBlock(@class as Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeElement, @namespace, defaultExtension);
            foreach(Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeInterface @interface in @namespace.Interfaces)
                if (@interface.IsInterface)
                    this.GeneratePerEntityFileBlock(@interface as Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeElement, @namespace, defaultExtension);
    //add at end:
        private void GenerateBaseClass(Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeNamespace ns, Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeClass firstEntity)
            this.templateContext.StartNewFileBlock(Path.ChangeExtension(entitiesBaseClass, defaultExtension), ns.Name);
            string entityNamespace = string.Empty;
            entityNamespace = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns.Name) ? ns.Name : this.GetEntityNamespace(firstEntity as Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeInterface);
                this.GenerateUsings(firstEntity as Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeInterface);   
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entityNamespace) && entityNamespace != this.metaModel.RootNamespace)
    namespace <#=entityNamespace #>
    public abstract partial class <#=entitiesBaseClass #>
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entityNamespace) && entityNamespace != this.metaModel.RootNamespace)
    <#+     }

    Below are the individual functions updated in each VB template file:


    const string entitiesBaseClass = "EntitiesBase";
    private void GenerateClassSignature(Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeClass codeClass)
        string[] modifierParts = new string[6];
        modifierParts[0] = codeClass.AccessModifierString;
        modifierParts[1] = codeClass.InheritanceModifierString;
        modifierParts[2] = codeClass.PartialReservedWordString;
        modifierParts[3] = codeClass.ClassReservedWordString;
        modifierParts[4] = codeClass.Name;
        modifierParts[5] = codeClass.ImplementedTypesString;
        string classSignature = string.Empty;
        for (int i = 0; i < modifierParts.Length - 1; i++)
            modifierParts[i] = modifierParts[i].Trim();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modifierParts[i]))
            classSignature = string.Concat(classSignature, " ", modifierParts[i]);
        classSignature = classSignature.Trim();
        if (this.generatedContext != codeClass && entitiesBaseClass != null && codeClass.Name != entitiesBaseClass)
            this.WriteLine("Inherits " + entitiesBaseClass);


    //update in root of file:
        foreach(Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeNamespace @namespace in this.codegenModel.Namespaces)
            if (@namespace.Classes != null && @namespace.Classes.Count > 0 && entitiesBaseClass != null)
                //this.Warning("Generating Base Class");
                GenerateBaseClass(@namespace, @namespace.Classes[0]);
            foreach(Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeClass @class in @namespace.Classes)
                this.GeneratePerEntityFileBlock(@class as Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeElement, @namespace, defaultExtension);
            foreach(Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeInterface @interface in @namespace.Interfaces)
                if (@interface.IsInterface)
                    this.GeneratePerEntityFileBlock(@interface as Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeElement, @namespace, defaultExtension);
        private void GenerateBaseClass(Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeNamespace ns, Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeClass firstEntity)
            this.templateContext.StartNewFileBlock(Path.ChangeExtension(entitiesBaseClass, defaultExtension), ns.Name);
            string entityNamespace = string.Empty;
            entityNamespace = this.GetEntityActualNamespace(firstEntity as Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeInterface);
                this.GenerateUsings(firstEntity as Telerik.OpenAccess.CodeGeneration.CodeInterface);   
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entityNamespace) && entityNamespace != this.metaModel.RootNamespace)
    Namespace <#=entityNamespace #>
    Partial Public MustInherit Class <#=entitiesBaseClass #>
    End Class
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entityNamespace) && entityNamespace != this.metaModel.RootNamespace)
    End Namespace
    <#+     }

    Hope this helps.
  2. 8B25101D-00C5-44EE-A10E-7FADA3AA9808
    8B25101D-00C5-44EE-A10E-7FADA3AA9808 avatar
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    Posted 31 Jan 2014 Link to this post

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