Setting RowHeight According to the Currently Used Font Size
When having RadScheduler in Lightweight or Mobile Render Mode, there are some scenarios, when misalignment issues occur. Vertical displacements have been observed, when the RowHeight is not proportionally increased when font-size has been enlarged. To avoid the above issue, RowHeight property should be adjusted accordingly to the font-size.
Minimal RowHeight Property Values when Default Font-Size is Used
By default, the RowHeight of the RadScheduler is calculated according to font-size of 14px. The minimal appropriate values for the property vary, according to the skin used:
For "BlackMetroTouch" and "MetroTouch" skins: RowHeight = 32;
For "Bootstrap" skin: RowHeight = 30;
For "Material" skin: RowHeight = 29;
For all other skins: RowHeight = 25;
Minimal RowHeight Property Value for Lightweight Render Mode when the Font-Size is Set to 10px or 24px
When smaller font-size and Lightweight render mode are used, the above limitations should be adjusted to the font-size value. When the used font-size is 10px, the minimal RowHeight value for all skins should be 20.
When larger font-size is used, the minimal value should also be adjusted. When the font-size is set to 24px, the minimal RowHeight value for all skins is 40.
Minimal RowHeight Property Value for Mobile Render Mode when the Font-Size is Set to 10px or 24px
When smaller font-size and Mobile render mode are used, the above limitations should be adjusted to the font-size value. When the used font-size is 10px, the minimal RowHeight value, according to the skin used is:
For "Material" skin: RowHeight = 22;
For all other skins: RowHeight = 24;
When larger font-size is used, the minimal value should also be adjusted. When the font-size is set to 24px, the minimal RowHeight value, according to the skin used is:
For "Material" skin: RowHeight = 39;
For all other skins: RowHeight = 44;
The above examples with font-size of 14px, 10px and 24px do not cover all possible scenarios. When using a different font-size you should adjust accordingly the RowHeight property value.