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Galleries are functionally and graphically rich list box controls. The item collection of a gallery can be organized by categories, displayed in flexible column and row-based layouts, represented with images and text, and depending on the type of gallery, support live previewing.


The RibbonBarGallery is available after the Q2 2013 release of the RadControls controls.

The RibbonBarGallery has a collection of RibbonBarGalleryCategories, which in turn have a collection of RibbonBarGalleryItems. The RibbonBarGallery has 3 buttons on the right that enables scrolling and expanding of the Gallery. The top and middle buttons are used to scroll the items inline up and down one row at a time, while the bottom button expands the Gallery. The expanded Gallery enables the customization of the height set - it can be altered with the ExpandedHeight property as described below.ribbonbar-galleryitems

Here you can find a sample markup demonstrating how to build your first RibbonBarGallery:

<telerik:RadRibbonBar RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadRibbonBar1" runat="server" OnClientGalleryCommandPreview="OnClientGalleryCommandPreview"
    OnClientGalleryCommandPreviewEnd="OnClientGalleryCommandPreviewEnd" OnClientGalleryCommand="OnClientGalleryCommand"
        <telerik:RibbonBarTab Text="Tab">
            <telerik:RibbonBarGroup Text="Group">
                    <telerik:RibbonBarGallery CommandName="GalleryCommand" Columns="5" ExpandedColumns="8"
                        ExpandedHeight="300px" ItemHeight="32px" ItemWidth="32px" ItemTextPosition="Bottom">
                        <telerik:RibbonBarGalleryCategory Title="FirstCategory">
                            <telerik:RibbonBarGalleryItem CommandArgument="GalleryItemArgument" Text="Item" ToolTip="Item"
                                ImageUrl="Image.png" CssClass="ImageCssClass" />
                            <telerik:RibbonBarGalleryItem CommandArgument="GalleryItemArgument" Text="Item" ToolTip="Item"
                                ImageUrl="Image.png" CssClass="ImageCssClass" />

Listed below are some important properties of the RibbonBarGallery:

  • CommandName - The CommandName that is passed as a parameter to the RibbonBar’s OnCommand or OnGalleryCommand event.

  • ItemTextPosition - property that can take values of Bottom, Inline and None. It controls the position of the text relative to the image of each GalleryItem inside the Gallery.

  • ExpandedHeight - property that sets the height of the Gallery when expanded.

  • ItemHeight - property that sets the height of each GalleryItem inside the Gallery.

  • ItemWidth - property that sets the width of each GalleryItem inside the Gallery.

  • Columns - property that sets the number of columns that the GalleryItems should be displayed in.The Gallery itself does not have a Width property therefore the Width is calculated to fit the exact number of items horizontally as specified in the Columns property.

  • ExpandedColumns - property that sets the number of columns when the Gallery is expanded.

Server-Side Interaction

The RibbonBarGallery will raise the following server-side event:

  • OnGalleryCommand - raised on the server when the user clicks a GalleryItem.

The RibbonBarGallery will also fire the ribbon’s OnCommand event with the respective CommandName and CommandArgument arguments.

Client-Side Interaction

The RibbonBarGallery will raise the following client-side events: