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Migrate Functionalities - Features and Series Types Parity

This article describes the known limitations of the features and series types in the ASP.NET AJAX Chart when migrating from RadChart and provides solutions to them, when possible. Since RadHtmlChart is a rather new control, released in Q2 2012, compared to the RadChart, RadHtmlChart control still lacks some features and series types.Nevertheless, the features in RadHtmlChart are constantly improving and even though the control takes advantage of some fields like polar, radar, donut, etc., series; client-side rendering;client-side data binding; hover effects and animations, etc.

Missing Series, Features and Known Limitations in RadHtmlChat Compared to RadChart

You can find the the series types that are not supported by the RadHtmlChart,compared to the obsolete RadChart in the List 1.

List 1: Missing series in the RadHtmlChart.

  • Bezier

Table 1 lists the missing features and limitations in RadHtmlChart, when migrating from RadChart, and shows possible workarounds.

Table 1: Missing features and limitations in RadHtmlChart compared to RadChart and possible workarounds.

Feature NameDetails
Server-side click eventsThis limitation is a sequence of the concept of the RadHtmlChart (i.e., the control renders entirely on the client-side). Nevertheless, this behavior can be achieved by performing an Ajax request in the client-side click, where the argument of the clicked item can be passed to the server. See HtmlChart - Drill-down Chart online demo.
Built-in data groupingYou can manually group the data source prior to binding it to the chart. Such an example is illustrated in the Group RadHtmlChart Data Source CL.
Server-side ExportThis feature is not supported out of the box because the RadHtmlChart renders entirely on the client as SVG via JavaScript (the chart can be exported on the client-side) and therefore it is not directly available on the server for exporting. A possible workaround is to either obtain the SVG as a string and send it to the server through an Ajax request, once the chart is rendered, or to use third-party software that can convert and export the SVG image to a more common user format such as PNG or PDF. See an example in the Exporting RadHtmlChart to PNG and PDF code library.

You can find the list of missing appearance and styling features in RadHtmlChart, when migrating from RadChart and possible workarounds in Table 2.

Table 2: Missing appearance and styling features in RadHtmlChart compared to RadChart and possible workarounds.

Feature NameDetails
Detailed customization of the elements positionsPositions can be chosen (e.g. bottom, left, right, top), but exact numbers like left=20px cannot be used. The exception is the legend - you can offset the X and Y coordinates of the legend in RadHtmlChart through the chartObject, as illustrated in this feedback item.
Control over bars width and overlapThe feature is available in the RadHtmlChart under the Gap and Spacing properties that the appropriate series types expose. For versions prior to R1 2019, the bars/columns cannot be overlapped. See more details and examples in the Gap and Spacing help article.
Modify the legend itemsYou can modify only their appearance; the legend contents are generated from the series collection.
Custom background imagesThe chart can be wrapped in a container element that has a background image. ChartArea and/or PlotArea elements must also be set with transparent color.

You can find the list of missing labels and tooltips features in RadHtmlChart compared to RadChart, and possible workarounds in Table 3.

Table 3: Missing labels and tooltips features in RadHtmlChart compared to RadChart and possible workarounds.

Feature nameDetails
Automatic text wrappingAs a workaround you can manually split the labels with line feeds (i.e., "\n" characters). See an example in the Multiline Labels help article.
Intelligent labels that avoid overlapThe feature is not available in RadHtmlChart .

You can find the list of missing accessibility and internationalization features in RadHtmlChart compared to RadChart, and possible workarounds in Table 4.

Table 4: Missing accessibility and internationalization features in RadHtmlChart compared to RadChart and possible workarounds.

Feature NameDetails
Render the chart data as tableFor a data-bound chart,you can use an additional control (e.g.,RadGrid) that displays data in tabular view and bind it to the chart's data source.
LocalizationRequires additional configuration. You can follow the instructions in this Localization help article.

You can find the list of missing axes features in RadHtmlChart compared to RadChart in List 2.

List 2: Missing axes features in RadHtmlChart compared to RadChart.

  • Scale breaks

  • Control over the axis labels position according to the tick

See Also