The RadLinearGauge represents the ranges and the value in a linear format, like its name suggests. It can be explained quite simply like a termomether - the pointer is the quicksilver that fills the tube and the ranges can represent the temperatures in which we feel cold, hot or simply fine. For example:
To get a better idea which element corresponds to which tag check the RadGauge Structure article. The above gauge was created with the following simple markup:
<telerik:RadLinearGauge runat="server" ID="RadLinearGauge1" Height="300px" Width="100px">
<Pointer Value="22" Color="Silver">
<Scale Min="-25" Max="50" MajorUnit="15" MinorUnit="1">
<Labels Format="{0} °C" />
<telerik:GaugeRange From="-25" To="-5" Color="Blue" />
<telerik:GaugeRange From="-5" To="15" Color="LightBlue" />
<telerik:GaugeRange From="15" To="30" Color="GreenYellow" />
<telerik:GaugeRange From="30" To="50" Color="Red" />
The control offers more customization options than the ones shown above:
Advanced pointer customizations - the pointer can be a tick or a bar depending on its Shape property,you can choose its Color and Value as well. When the pointer is a bar you an also control its Track - the background behind the bar itself - its Color and Opacity properties allow you to choose its appearance. The Opacity must be between 0 and 1.
Basic Scale configuration - the Scale is the main wrapper of the control and details are configurable through inner properties. The main Scale tag, however, offers the basic functionality - the Min and Maxvalues of the gauge, the MajorUnit and MinorUnit properties that control the ticks and label distance, the Mirror property which chooses the side on which the ticks and labels are shown, the Vertical property which makes the gauge horizontal when set to false and the Reverse property which shows the higher values first when set to true.
Labels configuration - you can choose the BackgroundColor, Color and Font to customize their appearance. The Visible property controls if they are shown and the Format takes a format string that will be applied to the text according to the value. The format string uses the {0} placeholder to indicate the value.The Template property is a client template similar to the format - it takes a similar string to show in the labels,but the value placeholder is #=value#.
Ticks configuration - the MajorTicks and MinorTicks inner tags expose the small lines that protrude from the ranges to show the value. They can be customized in terms of Color, Size or Width (in pixels) and Visibility (boolean).
Ranges configuration - the Ranges tag contains several GaugeRange tags that represent the areas of the gauge that will show differently than the regular scale. Each range has the From and To properties that control is positioning on the scale and also the Color property that can be used to specify their fill.
Main gauge configuration - the Appearance tag of the control allows for customizing its entire look. Currently it offers the BackgroundColor property which sets the wrapper's background fill.