FloatingActionButton PHP Class Overview

The Kendo UI FloatingActionButton for PHP is a server-side wrapper for the Kendo UI FloatingActionButton widget.

Getting Started


The FloatingActionButton provides a set of default API configuration options that can be set during its initialization such as size, shape, themeColor, align, positionMode, and so on. Below are listed the steps for you to follow when configuring the Kendo UI FloatingActionButton for PHP.

Step 1 Make sure you followed all the steps from the introductory article on Telerik UI for PHP—include the autoloader, JavaScript, and CSS files.

Step 2 Create a FloatingActionButton.

    $fab = new \Kendo\UI\FloatingActionButton('fab');

        ->alignOffset(array(x => 50, y => 50))

Step 3 Output the FloatingActionButton by echoing the result of the render method.

   <?= $FloatingActionButton->render() ?>


The Kendo UI FloatingActionButton exposes the align,alignOffset and positionMode configuration options. These three options work in conjunction allowing you to position the FloatingActionButton component precisely as per the application requirements. The example below demonstrates how to configure the alignment and positioning of the FloatingActionButton

    $fab = new \Kendo\UI\FloatingActionButton('fab');

    $fab->positionMode("fixed") //positions the button relative to the viewport
        ->align("top end")
        ->alignOffset(array(x => 100, y => 100));


The Kendo UI FloatingActionButton for PHP allows you to customize the appearance of the component by setting the size, shape, color, icon and text of the FloatingActionButton. Following the Material Design guidelines we advise when configuring the FloatingActionButton to display additional related actions or "speed dial actions" to set only the icon option for the button and use labels to dispay additional information for the related actions, if needed. Alternatively, if you would like to have an icon and text for the Kendo UI FloatingActionButton consider omitting the display of additional actions. The example below demonstrates how to configure the speed dial action items of the FloatingActionButton:

    $fab = new \Kendo\UI\FloatingActionButton('fab');

    $twitter = new \Kendo\UI\FloatingActionButtonItem();

    $email = new \Kendo\UI\FloatingActionButtonItem();

            ->align("bottom end")

        function onItemClick(e) {
            console.log(e.item.label + " clicked");

Event Handling

You can subscribe to the click event by the handler name. For a full list of events, refer to the FloatingActionButton events documentation in the API section.

Specify Function Names

The example below demonstrates how to subscribe for events by specifying a JavaScript function name.

    $fab = new \Kendo\UI\FloatingActionButton('fab');

    $fab->align("bottom center")

        function onClick(e) {
            //handle click event


Client-Side Instances

To reference to an existing FloatingActionButton instance, use the jQuery.data() method. Once a reference is established, use the API to control its behavior.

The following example demonstrates how to access an existing FloatingActionButton instance.

    $FloatingActionButton = new \Kendo\UI\FloatingActionButton('fab');

        $(function() {
            // The constructor parameter is used as the 'id' HTML attribute of the FloatingActionButton
            var fab = $("#fab").data("kendoFloatingActionButton");

See Also

In this article