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shape-defaults-connectors Array

Defines the connectors the shape owns. A connector is the point in the shape where a connection between this shape and another one can originate from or end.

The supported values are:

  • top—A top connector.
  • right—A right connector.
  • bottom—A bottom connector.
  • bottomRight—A bottom right connector.
  • left—A left connector.
  • auto—An auto connector.

You can define your own custom connectors or use the predefined types.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-width Number

Defines the width of the shape connectors.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-height Number

Defines the height of the shape connectors.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-hover-fill String

Defines the hover fill options of the shape connectors.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-hover-fill-color String

Defines the hover fill color of the shape connectors.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-hover-fill-opacity Number

Defines the hover fill opacity of the shape connectors.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-hover-stroke String

Defines the hover stroke options of the shape connectors.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-hover-stroke-color String

Defines the hover stroke color.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-hover-stroke-dash-type String

The dash type of the hover stroke.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-hover-stroke-width Number

Defines the thickness or width of the shape connectors stroke on hover.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-fill String

Defines the fill options of the shape connectors.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-fill-color String

Defines the fill color of the shape connectors.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-fill-opacity Number

Defines the fill opacity of the shape connectors.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-stroke String

Defines the stroke options of the shape connectors.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-stroke-color String

Defines the stroke color.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-stroke-dash-type String

Defines the stroke dash type.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

shape-defaults-connector-defaults-stroke-width Number

Defines the thickness or width of the shape connectors stroke.

shape-defaults-content-align String

The alignment of the text inside the shape.

The supported values are:

  • (Vertical alignment) top, middle, and bottom.
  • (Horizontal alignment) right, center, and left.

You can also combine the vertical and horizontal values—for example, top right, middle left, bottom center, and so on.

shape-defaults-content-color String

The color of the shape content text.

shape-defaults-content-font-family String

The font family of the shape content text.

shape-defaults-content-font-size Number

The font size of the shape content text.

shape-defaults-content-font-style String

The font style of the shape content text.

shape-defaults-content-font-weight String

The font weight of the shape content text.

shape-defaults-content-template String | Function

The template which renders the labels. The template supports the dataItem field which represents the data item if a field was specified.

shape-defaults-content-text String

The text that is displayed in the shape.

shape-defaults-editable Boolean

Defines the editable options of the shape.

shape-defaults-editable-connect Boolean

Specifies if new connections can be added by using the shapes connectors.

shape-defaults-editable-drag Boolean

Specifies if the shapes can be dragged.

shape-defaults-editable-remove Boolean

Specifies if the shapes can be removed.

shape-defaults-editable-tools Array

Specifies the tools of the toolbar. Supports all supported toolbar.items options.

The predefined tools are:

  • edit—The selected item can be edited.
  • delete—The selected items can be deleted.
  • rotateClockwise—The selected items can be rotated clockwise. The default rotation value is 90 degrees.
  • rotateAnticlockwise—The selected items can be rotated anticlockwise. The default rotation value is 90 degrees.

shape-defaults-fill String

Defines the fill options of the shape. Use these settings to apply a single-color or a gradient background to all shapes in the Diagram.

shape-defaults-fill-color String

Defines the fill color of the shape.

shape-defaults-fill-opacity Number

Defines the fill opacity of the shape.

shape-defaults-fill-gradient-type String

The type of the gradient. The supported values are: linear or radial.

shape-defaults-fill-gradient-center Array

The center of the radial gradient. The coordinates are relative to the shape-bounding box—for example, [0, 0] is top left and [1, 1] is bottom right.

shape-defaults-fill-gradient-radius Number

The radius of the radial gradient relative to the shape bounding box.

shape-defaults-fill-gradient-start Array

The start point of the linear gradient. The coordinates are relative to the shape-bounding box—for example, [0, 0] is top left and [1, 1] is bottom right.

shape-defaults-fill-gradient-end Array

The end point of the linear gradient. The coordinates are relative to the shape-bounding box—for example, [0, 0] is top left and [1, 1] is bottom right.

shape-defaults-fill-gradient-stops Array

The array of gradient color stops.

shape-defaults-height Number

Defines the default height of shapes in the Diagram.

shape-defaults-hover-fill String

Defines the hover fill options.

shape-defaults-hover-fill-color String

Defines the hover fill color.

shape-defaults-hover-fill-opacity Number

Defines the hover fill opacity.

shape-defaults-min-height Number

Defines the minimum height the shape can have. Used for applying a lower limit to the height of shapes when the user resizes them.

shape-defaults-min-width Number

Defines the minimum width the shape can have. Used for applying a lower limit to the width of shapes when the user resizes them.

shape-defaults-path String

The path option of a shape is a description of a custom geometry. The format follows the standard SVG format.

shape-defaults-rotation-angle Number

The rotational angle of the shape.

shape-defaults-selectable Boolean

Specifies if Diagram shapes can be selected.

shape-defaults-source String

The path or URL to the shape image. Applicable when the type is set to image.

shape-defaults-stroke-color String

The color of the shape stroke.

shape-defaults-stroke-dash-type String

The dash type of the shape.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

shape-defaults-stroke-width Number

Defines the thickness or width of the shape stroke.

shape-defaults-type String

Specifies the type of the shape by using any of the following built-in shape types:

  • (Default) rectangle
  • circle—A circle or an ellipse.
  • image—An image.
  • text—Some text.

shape-defaults-visual Function

A function which returns a visual element that will be rendered for a given shape.

The supported primitives for constructing composite visuals are:

  • Circle
  • Rectangle
  • Path
  • Line
  • Polyline
  • TextBlock
  • Image
  • Layout

shape-defaults-width Number

The default width of the shapes in the Diagram.

shape-defaults-x Number

The x-coordinate of the shape when the shape is added to the Diagram.

shape-defaults-y Number

The y-coordinate of the shape when the shape is added to the Diagram.

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