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type String

The type of the series.

The supported types:

  • area
  • column (synonym: bar)
  • line
  • pie
  • bullet

dash-type String

The dash type of the series line. Applicable only for the Line series.

data Array

An array of data items.

The supported data item types are:

  • An array of objects—Each point is bound to the specified series fields.
  • An array of numbers—Available for Area, Bar, Column, Pie, and Line series.

explode-field String

The data field which contains a Boolean value that indicates if the sector is exploded. Available for Pie series.

current-field String

The data field which contains the current value. Available for Bullet and Vertical Bullet series.

target-field String

The data field which contains the target value. Available for Bullet, Pie, and Vertical Bullet series.

field String

The data field which contains the series value.

name String

The series name. The name can also be a template which sets the name of the series when bound to grouped data source.

The template supports the following fields:

  • series—The series options.
  • group—The data group.
  • group.field—The name of the field that is used for grouping.
  • group.value—The field value for this group.

highlight-border-width Number

The width of the border.

highlight-border-color String

The border color.

highlight-border-opacity Number

The border opacity.

highlight-color String

The highlight color. Available only for Pie series.

highlight-opacity Number

The opacity of the highlighted points. Applicable for Pie series.

highlight-visible Boolean

A value which indicates if the series points will be highlighted.

aggregate String | Function

The aggregate function that will apply to date series. The aggregate function is used when a category (an year, month, or others) contains two or more points. The return value of the function is displayed instead of the individual points.

The supported values are:

  • avg—The average of all values for the date period.
  • count—The number of values for the date period.
  • max—The highest value for the date period.
  • min—The lowest value for the date period.
  • sum—The sum of all values for the date period. Defaults to 0 if no data points are defined.
  • sumOrNull—The sum of all values for the date period. Defaults to null if no data points are defined.
  • first—The first value.
  • function (values, series, dataItems, category)—A user-defined aggregate function. Returns a single value or a data item.
  • object (compound aggregate)—Applicable for the Candlestick and OHLC series. Specifies the aggregate for each data item field.

axis String

The name of the value axis that will be used. Applicable for Area, Bar, Column, and Line series.

border-color String | Function

The color of the border. Defaults to the color of the current series.

border-dash-type String | Function

The dash type of the border.

border-opacity Number | Function

The border opacity.

border-width Number | Function

The width of the border.

category-field String

The data field which contains the point category name. Applicable for Pie series.

color String | Function

The base color of the series.

The supported values are:

  • CSS color strings including hex and rgb.
  • Function (point)—A user-defined function that will be evaluated for each point. Returning undefined assumes the default series color.

color-field String

The data field which contains the point color. Applicable for Bar, Column, and Pie series.

connectors-color String

The color of the connector line.

connectors-padding Number

The padding between the connector line and the label, and the connector line and the Pie chart.

connectors-width Number

The width of the connector line.

gap Number

The distance between category clusters. Applicable for Bar and Column series.

labels-align String

Defines the alignment of the labels. Available for Pie series.

labels-background String | Function

The background color of the labels.

labels-border-color String | Function

The color of the border.

labels-border-dash-type String | Function

The dash type of the border.

labels-border-width Number | Function

The width of the border.

labels-color String | Function

The text color of the labels.

labels-distance Number

The distance of the labels. Available for Pie series.

labels-font String | Function

The font style of the labels.

labels-format String | Function

The format of the labels.

labels-margin Number | Object

The margin of the labels.

labels-padding Number | Object

The padding of the labels.

labels-position String | Function

Defines the position of the labels.

labels-template String | Function

The template which renders the label of the chart series.

The template supports the following fields:

  • category—The category name. Available for Area, Bar, Column, Bubble, Donut, Line, and Pie series.
  • dataItem—The original data item that is used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to an array.
  • percentage—The point value represented as a percentage value. Available only for Donut, Pie, and 100% Stacked charts.
  • series—The data series.
  • value—The point value. Can be a number or an object which contains each bound field.

labels-visible Boolean | Function

The visibility of the labels.

line String

The line options. Applicable for Area series.

line-color String

The line color.

line-opacity Number

The line opacity.

line-width String

The line width.

line-style String

The supported values are:

  • normal—The values will be connected by a straight line.
  • step—The values will be connected by a line with a right angle.
  • smooth—The values will be connected by a smooth line.

markers-background String | Function

The background color of the current series markers.

markers-border Function

The border of the markers.

markers-border-color String | Function

The color of the border.

markers-border-width Number | Function

The width of the border.

markers-size Number | Function

The marker size.

markers-type String | Function

Configures the markers shape type.

markers-visible Boolean | Function

The markers visibility.

markers-rotation Number | Function

The rotation angle of the markers.

missing-values String

The behavior for handling missing values.

The supported values are:

  • gap—The plot stops before the missing point and continues after it.
  • interpolate—The value is interpolated from neighboring points.
  • zero—The value is assumed to be zero.

k-style String

The supported values are:

  • normal—The values will be connected by a straight line.
  • step—The values will be connected by a line with a right angle.
  • smooth—The values will be connected by a smooth line.

negative-color String

Color to use for bars with negative values. Applicable only for Bar and Column series.

opacity Number

The series opacity.

overlay-gradient String

The gradient name.

The supported options are:

  • glass—In Bar and Column series.
  • roundedBevel—In Pie series.
  • sharpBevel—In Pie series.
  • none

padding Number

The padding around the chart (equal on all sides). Available in Pie series.

size Number

The size (or radius) of the series in pixels. If not specified, the available space is split evenly between the series.

start-angle Number

The start angle of the first segment. Available in Pie series.

spacing Number

The space between points as a proportion of the point width. Available in Bar and Column series.

stack Boolean | String

A Boolean value which indicates if the series will be stacked. A string value is interpreted as

stack-type String

The type of stack that will be plotted.

The supported types are:

  • normal—The value of the stack is the sum of all points in the category (or group).
  • 100%—The value of the stack is always 100% (1.00). Points within the category (or group) are represented in percentage.

stack-group String

Indicates that the series will be stacked in a group with the specified name.

tooltip-background String

The background color of the tooltip. The default value is determined by the series color.

tooltip-border-color String

The color of the border.

tooltip-border-width Number

The width of the border.

tooltip-color String

The text color of the tooltip. The default is the same as the color for the series labels.

tooltip-font String

The tooltip font.

tooltip-format String

The tooltip format. Format variables depend on the series type—Area, Bar, Column, Line, and Pie value.

tooltip-padding Number | Object

The padding of the tooltip.

tooltip-template String | Function

The tooltip template.

The template supports the following variables:

  • value—The point value (either a number or an object).
  • category—The category name.
  • series—The data series.
  • dataItem—The original data item that is used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.

tooltip-visible Boolean

A value which indicates if the tooltip will be displayed.

width Number

The line width. Available in Line series.

target-line-width Object | Function

The width of the line.

target-color String | Function

The target color.

target-border Function

The border of the target.

target-border-color String | Function

The color of the border.

target-border-dash-type String | Function

The dash type of the border.

target-border-width Number

The width of the border.

notes-position String

The position of the series note.

The supported values are:

  • top—The note is positioned on the top.
  • bottom—The note is positioned on the bottom.
  • left—The note is positioned on the left.
  • right—The note is positioned on the right.

notes-icon-background String

The background color of the notes icon.

notes-icon-border-color String

The border color of the icon.

notes-icon-border-width Number

The border width of the icon.

notes-icon-size Number

The size of the icon.

notes-icon-type String

The icon shape.

The supported values are:

  • circle—The marker shape is circular.
  • square—The marker shape is square.
  • triangle—The marker shape is triangular.
  • cross—The marker is in the shape of a cross.

notes-icon-visible Boolean

The icon visibility.

notes-label-background String

The background color of the label. Accepts any valid CSS color strings including hex and rgb.

notes-label-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color strings including hex and rgb.

notes-label-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

The supported dash types are:

  • dash—A line that consists of dashes.
  • dashDot—A line that consists of a repeating dash-dot pattern.
  • dot—A line that consists of dots.
  • longDash—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash pattern.
  • longDashDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot pattern.
  • longDashDotDot—A line that consists of a repeating long-dash-dot-dot.
  • solid—A solid line.

notes-label-border-width Number

The width (in pixels) of the border. By default, the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

notes-label-color String

The text color of the label. Accepts any valid CSS color strings including hex and rgb.

notes-label-font String

The font style of the label.

notes-label-template String | Function

The template which renders the labels. The template supports the value field which represents the point value.

notes-label-visible Boolean

If notes-label-visible is set to true, the Chart will display the series notes label. By default, the series notes labels are visible.

notes-label-rotation Number

The rotation angle of the label. By default, the labels are not rotated.

notes-label-format String

The format for displaying the notes label. Uses kendo.format. Contains one placeholder ({0}) which represents the axis value.

notes-label-position String

The position of the labels.

The supported values are:

  • inside—The label is positioned inside the icon.
  • outside—The label is positioned outside the icon.

notes-line-width Number

The line width of the notes.

notes-line-color String

The line color of the notes.

notes-line-length Number

The length (in pixels) of the connecting lines.

z-index Number

An optional Z-index for changing the default stacking order of series. The series with the highest Z-index will be placed on top. Series with no Z-index will use the default stacking order based on the series type. For example, Line series will be on top followed by Bar and Area.

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