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Child Components


axis-defaults Object

The default options for all chart axes (axisDefaults in Kendo UI for jQuery).

category-axis Array

The configuration options for the category axis (categoryAxis in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in CategoryAxisProps.

chart-area Object

The configuration options for the chart area—the entire visible area of the chart (chartArea in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in ChartAreaProps.

data Array

The data for the default Sparkline series (data in Kendo UI for jQuery). If series are supplied, data will be discarded.

data-source Object

The configuration or instance of the DataSource (dataSource in Kendo UI for jQuery).

auto-bind Boolean

Indicates whether the chart will initially call read on the data source (autoBind in Kendo UI for jQuery).

plot-area Object

The configuration options for the plot area—the area which contains the plotted series (plotArea in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in PlotAreaProps.

point-width Number

The width that will be allocated for each data point (pointWidth in Kendo UI for jQuery).

render-as String

Sets the preferred rendering engine (renderAs in Kendo UI for jQuery). If render-as is not supported by the browser, the Chart will switch to the first available mode.

The supported values are:

  • svg—Renders the Chart as an inline SVG document if available.
  • canvas—Renders the Chart as a canvas element if available.

series Array

An array of series definitions (series in Kendo UI for jQuery). The series type is determined by the value of the type field. If a type value is missing, the type is assumed to be the one specified in seriesDefaults. Each series type has a different set of options.

series-colors Array

The default colors for the chart series (seriesColors in Kendo UI for jQuery). When all the colors are used, the colors start over again.

series-defaults Object

The default values for each series (seriesDefaults in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in SeriesDefaultsProps.

theme String

The Sparkline theme (theme in Kendo UI for jQuery).

theme can be either a built-in theme or a sass theme. When theme is set to sass, the Sparkline will read the variables from the SASS-based themes.

The supported values are:

  • sass—A special value.
  • black
  • blueopal
  • bootstrap
  • default
  • highcontrast
  • metro
  • metroblack
  • moonlight
  • silver
  • uniform

tooltip Object

The configuration options for the data point tooltip (tooltip in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in `TooltipProps.

transitions Boolean

A value which indicates if transition animations will be played (transitions in Kendo UI for jQuery).

type String

The default series type (type in Kendo UI for jQuery).

value-axis Array

The configuration options for the value axis (valueAxis in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in ValueAxisProps.


axislabelclick: Function

Fires when an axis label is clicked (axisLabelClick in Kendo UI for jQuery).

databound: Function

Fires when the Sparkline received data from the data source and is about to render it (dataBound in Kendo UI for jQuery).

dragstart: Function

Fires when the user has used the mouse or a swipe gesture to drag the Sparkline (dragStart in Kendo UI for jQuery). To prevent the drag operation, call e.preventDefault().

drag: Function

Fires as long as the user is dragging the Sparkline using the mouse or swipe gestures (drag in Kendo UI for jQuery).

dragend: Function

Fires when the user stops dragging the Sparkline (dragEnd in Kendo UI for jQuery).

panerender: Function

Fires when a pane is rendered because the chart is rendered, performs panning or zooming, or is exported with different options (paneRender in Kendo UI for jQuery). You can use panerender to render custom visuals in the panes.

plotareaclick: Function

Fires when plot area is clicked (plotAreaClick in Kendo UI for jQuery).

plotareahover: Function

Fires when the user hovers over the plot area (plotAreaHover in Kendo UI for jQuery).

plotarealeave: Function

Fires when the cursor leaves the plot area (plotAreaLeave in Kendo UI for jQuery).

seriesclick: Function

Fires when chart series are clicked (seriesClick in Kendo UI for jQuery).

serieshover: Function

Fires when chart series are hovered over (seriesHover in Kendo UI for jQuery).

seriesover: Function

Fires when the cursor is over the chart series (seriesOver in Kendo UI for jQuery).

seriesleave: Function

Fires when the cursor leaves a chart series (seriesLeave in Kendo UI for jQuery).

zoomstart: Function

Fires when the user uses the mouse to zoom the chart (zoomStart in Kendo UI for jQuery). To abort the zoom operation, call e.preventDefault().

zoom: Function

Fires as long as the user is zooming the chart with the mouse (zoom in Kendo UI for jQuery).

zoomend: Function

Fires when the user stops zooming the chart (zoomEnd in Kendo UI for jQuery).


For more details about the methods available in the component's API please check its Kendo UI for jQuery API documentation.



Returns the Kendo UI Sparkline instance.